ERP Proposals for CASP Chemistry Methods

30. Cheng, D.M., N. Pogrebnyak, P. Kuhn, C.G. Krueger , W.D Johnson and I. Raskin. Development and phytochemical characterization of highpolyphenol red lettuce with anti-diabetic properties. PLOS One . 2014;9:3 31. Pierre, J.F, A.F. Heneghan, R.P. Feliciano, D. Shanmuganayagam, C.G. Krueger , J.D. Reed, K.A. Kudsk. Cranberry proanthocyanidins improve intestinal sIgA during elemental enteral nutrition. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 2014; 38:107-114. PMID 23359014 32. Burleigh, A.E., S.M. Benck, S.E. McAchran, J.D. Reed, C.G. Krueger and W.J. Hopkins. Consumption of sweetened, dried cranberries may reduce urinary tract infection incidence in susceptible women – a modified observational study. Nutrition Journal . 2013;12:139 33. Feliciano, R.P., J.J. Meudt, D. Shanmuganayagam, C.G. Krueger and J.D. Reed. Ratio of “A-type” to “B-type” proanthocyanidin interflavan bonds affects extra-intestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli invasion of gut epithelial cells. J Agric Food Chem . 2013; Web Publication (DOI: 10.1021/jf403839a) 34. Roopchand, D.E., P. Kuhn, C.G. Krueger , K. Moskal, M.A. Lila and I. Raskin. Concorde grape pomace polyphenols complexed to soy protein isolate are stable and hypoglycemic in diabetic mice. J Agric Food Chem . 2013; Web Publication (DOI:10.1021/JF403238e). 35. Roopchand, D.E., C.G. Krueger , K. Moskal, B. Fridlender, M.A. Lila and I. Rashkin. Food-compatible method for the efficient extraction and stabilization of cranberry pomace polyphenols. Food Chemistry . 2013; 141:3664-3669. PMID: 36. Bahls, M., C.A. Bidwell, J. Hu, A. Tellez, G.L. Kaluza, J.F. Granada, C.G. Krueger , J.D. Reed, M.H. Laughlin, W.G. Van Alstine and S.C. Newcomer. Gene expression differences during the heterogeneous progression of peripheral atherosclerosis in familial hypercholesterolemic swine. BMC Genomics . 2013; 14:443 37. Krueger, C.G. , J.D. Reed, R.P. Feliciano, A.B. Howell. Quantifying and characterizing proanthocyanidins in cranberries in relation to urinary tract health. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry . 2013; 405:4385-4395. PMID: 23397091 38. Pierre, J.F, A.F. Heneghan, J.M. Meudt, M.P. Shea, C.G. Krueger , J.D. Reed D., K.A. Kudsk Shanmuganayagam. Parenteral nutrition increases susceptibility of ileum invasion by E. coli . Journal of Surgical Research. 2013; 183:583-591. PMID: 23481564 39. Pierre, J.F, A.F. Heneghan, R.P. Feliciano, D. Shanmuganayagam, D.A. Roenneburg, C.G. Krueger , J.D. Reed, K.A. Kudsk. Cranberry proanthocyanidins improve the gut mucous layer morphology and function in mice receiving elemental enteral nutrition. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 2013; 37:401-409. PMID: 23064255 40. Milewski, K., M.E. Afari, A. Tellez, M.S. Aboodi, J. Kim, Y. Cheng, G.B. Conditt, J.C. McGregor, G.H. Yi, M. Stenoien, C.G. Krueger , G. Kaluza, J.F. Granada. Evaluation of Efficacy and Dose Response of Different Paclitaxel Coated Balloon Formulations in a Novel Swine Model of Ilio-Femoral In-Stent Restenosis. JACC Cardiovascular Interventions . 2012; 5:1081-1088. PMID: 23078739 41. Ge, W., C.G. Krueger , A. J. Weichmann, D. Shanmuganayagam, T. Varghese. Displacement and strain estimation for evaluation of arterial wall stiffness using a familial hypercholesterolemia swine model of atherosclerosis. Medical Physics. 2012; 39:4483. PMID 22830780. 42. Feliciano, R.P., C.G. Krueger , D. Shanmuganayagam, M. M. Vestling, J. D. Reed. Deconvolution of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry isotope patterns to determine ratios of A-type to B-type interflavan bonds in cranberry proanthocyanidins. Food Chemistry . 2012; 135:1485-1493. PMID: 22953884 43. Feliciano, R.P., M.P. Shea, D. Shanmuganayagam, C.G. Krueger , A.B. Howell, J.D. Reed. Comparison of Isolated Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) Proanthocyanidins to Catechin and Procyanidins A2 and B2 for Use as Standards in the 4-(Dimethylamino)cinnamaldehyde Assay. J Agric Food Chem . 2012; 60:4578-85. PMID: 22533362 44. Shanmuganayagam, D., M. Beahm, M. Kuhns, C.G. Krueger , J. Reed, J. Folts. Differential effects of grape (Vitis vinifera) skin polyphenolics on human platelet aggregation and low-density lipoprotein oxidation. J Agric Food Chem. 2012; 60:5787-5794. PMID: 22224546 45. Granada, J.F., M, Krzysztof, H. Ahao, J.J. Stankus, A. Tellez, M.S. Aboodi, G.L. Kaluza, C.G. Krueger , R. Virmani, L.B. Schwartz, A Nikanorov. Vascular response to Zotarolimus-coated balloons in injured superficial femoral arteries of the familial hypercholseterolemic swine. Circ Cardiovasc Interv . 2011;4:447-455. PMID: 21953371

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