ERP Proposals for CASP Chemistry Methods

28. Madrigal-Carballo, S., Dettlof, M., Rodriguez, G., Krueger, C.G ., Dreher, M., Reed, J.D.Antioxidant capacity and polyphenol composition of pomegranate ( Punica granatum ) dietary supplements. Phytochemical Society of North America annual Meeting, Pullman, WA, June 25-29, 2008. Poster Presentation. 29. Coll, B., Sokulin, A., Adam, D., Mazzoni, T., Meyer, P., Zang, W., Hall, A., Owen, C., Krueger, C. , Reed, J., Thomenius, K., Perez, A., Feistein, S. Contrast enhanced carotid ultrasound vasa vasorum inversely correlates to HDL cholesterol concentration in 324 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. The 57 th Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology. Chicago, IL, March 29-April 1, 2008. 30. Neto, C. C., Liberty, A. M., Amoroso, J. W., Hart, P. E., Krueger, C ., MacLean, M. A., Hurta, R. A. R. Cranberry Phytochemicals: Structure and in vitro Anti-Cancer Activities. The 48 th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy, Portland, ME, July, 2007. 31. Amoroso, J. W., Krueger, C. G ., Vaisberg. A. J., Neto, C. C. Biopolymers from Cranberry Fruit (V. macrocarpon) with in vitro Anti-Cancer Activity. The 48 th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy, Portland, ME, July, 2007. 32. Reed, J.D. & Krueger, C.G. Experimental familial hypercholesterolemic swine model of atherosclerosis. The 21 st Annual Advances in Contrast Ultrasound / Bubble Course. November 9-10, 2006, Chicago, IL. 2006. 33. Krueger, C.G. , Vestling, M.M., Reed., J.D. MALDI-TOF mass spectral characterization of oligomeric pigments in fruits as a result of ripening, processing and storage. 232 nd American Chemical Society / The 5 th , Tannin Conference, San Francisco, CA. Sept. 10-14, 2006. Oral presentation. 34. Shanmuganayagam D, Krueger C.G. , Reed J.D., Folts J.D. 2005.Consumption of purple grape juice reduces platelet aggregation, cholesterol level, blood pressure, body weight and the development of atherosclerosis in hypercholesterolemic rabbits. FASEB J. 19(4): A967-A967 Part 1 Suppl. S. 35. Salas E., Krueger C.G. , Vijayan, A., Vestling M.M., Reed J.D. 2005. Characterization the phenolic composition of a commercial pomegranate juice concentrate by MALDI-TOF and HPLC/ESI MS. The 2 nd International Conference on Polyphenols and Health, Davis CA. Oct 4-7, 2005. 36. Zeldin E.L., Krueger C.G ., Reed J.D., McCown B.H. 2005. ‘HyRed’ Cranberry – Breeding for Increased Heath Benefits. The First International Berry Health Symposium, Corvallis OR. June 13-14, 2005. 37. Zeldin E.L., Krueger C.G ., Reed J.D., McCown B.H. 2005. Biochemical Charactarization and Breeding of American cranberry for Increased Heath Benefits. Abstract presented at the International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables, Quebec Canada Aug. 17-20, 2005. 38. Reed J.D., Krueger C.G. , Vestling M.M. 2004. Characterization of Structural Heterogeneity in food polyphenols by MALDI-TOF MS. The 228 th American Chemical Society / The 4 th Tannin Conference, Philadelphia PA. Aug 22-26, 2004. Oral Presentation. 39. Howell A.B., Reed J.D., McEniry B., Krueger C.G. , Cunningham D.G. 2004. Bacterial Anti-Adhesion activity of cranberry vs. other foods. The 228 th American Chemical Society / The 4 th Tannin Conference, Philadelphia PA. Aug 22-26, 2004. 40. Shanmuganayagam D., Beahm M.R., Goff A.D., Krueger C.G. , Reed J.D., Folts J.D. 2004. Grape skin polygalloyl polyflavan-3-ols with greater than 5 degrees of polymerization most effectively bind LDL and are also most effective as antioxidants and antiplatelet agents compared to other grape skin polyphenolics. FASEB J. 18 (4): A 523-A524 Suppl. S. 41. Woodward D.L., Beahm M.R., Shanmuganayagam D., Krueger C.G. , Reed J.D., Folts J.D. 2004. Grape seed extract containing mostly polygalloyl polyflavan-3-ols binds LDL and protects against oxidation better than dark beer, red wine, grape skin extract and purple grape juice. FASEB J. 18 (4): A 908-A908 Suppl. S. 42. Beahm M.R., Shanmuganayagam D., Goff A.D., Krueger C.G. , Reed J.D., Folts J.D. 2004. Large oligomreic grape skin polyphenolics are most effective as antioxidants and antiplatelet agents. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 43 (5): 479A-479A Suppl. A. 43. Begolli, B.; Shanmuganayagam, D.; Krueger, C.G .; Reed, J.D.; Scribner, A.W.; Folts, J.D. Dark colored beer, with higher polyphenolic content, raises platelet cyclic GMP and AMP, and inhibits experimental coronary artery thrombosis better than light colored beer, despite achieving similar blood alcohol content. Circulation . 2003. 108 (17):757 Suppl. S.

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