ERP Sulfite Methods-Meeting Materials_4-2020

ERP for Sulfites in Seafood Methods Materials


b) Reconditioning, Activation and Calibration. Standard m easurement . Once per day, before beginning to perform the analysis, the Biotest must be Reconditioned, Activated and Calibrated. Once the Biosensor is assembled ( S ee point 4.a.), ensure that the measurement cuvette contains 10 ml of the SUL Measurement Solution and that all of the electrochemical components are submerged. RECONDITIONING 1. P ress Recondition, verify the proper placement of the cuvette with the 10 ml of SUL Measurement Solution, add Sulphite Standard into the measurement cuvette with the aid of a micropipette and press CONTINUE (See Table 6). 2. Wait for the equipment to emit an acoustic signal, press CONTINUE, and once again inject Sulphite Standard into the measurement cuvette with the aid of a micropipette and wait for the process to end (See Table 6). 3. The message ¨Biotest Reconditioned. '' Ready to Activate '' will appear on the screen. 4. Replace the conten of the cuvette with 10 ml of new SUL Measurement Solution. ACTIVATION: 1. Press Activate, verify the proper placement of the cuvette and press CONTINUE to begin the Activation. 2. Wait for the equipment to emit an acoustic signal, press CONTINUE, and inject Sulphite Standard into the measurement cuvette with the aid of a micropipette and wait for the process to end (See Table 6). 3. The message ¨Biotest activated. Ready for Calibration¨ will appear on the screen. 4. • • Replace the content of the cuvette with 10 ml of new SUL Measurement Solution.



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