ERP Sulfite Methods-Meeting Materials_4-2020

ERP for Sulfites in Seafood Methods Materials


3. Tailored preparation

a) Biotest storage and hydration

The Biotests are dispatched at room temperature and vacuum packed with silica gel crystals to protect them from atmospheric humidity. Once delivered, store unopened between 3-8ºC until expiration date. To hydrate the Biotest prior to using (this process should be carried out at least 24 hours prior to use), remove the silica gel crystals from inside the tube and fill it with Measurement Solution until the base of the Biotest is submerged and add 20µl of SUL Calibration Reagent (See Table 2 and Table 4). Once hydrated, the Biotest must be stored vertically at a temperature between 3-8ºC for a maximum of 15 days.

b) Reagent Preparation • SUL Measurement Solution

SUL1 Measurement Kit and SUL2 Measurement Kit contain 8 and 5 tubes respectively to prepare the SUL Measurement Solution (See Table 2), which are needed to hydrate the Biotest and to carry out the measurements.

Table 2. Measurement Solution Preparation. SUL 1 Measurement Solution

SUL 2 Measurement Solution

Dissolve the content of 1 MFSUL1 tube in 250ml of distilled water.

Dissolve the content of 1 MFSUL2 tube in 1L of distilled water.



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