ERP Sulfite Methods-Meeting Materials_4-2020

ERP for Sulfites in Seafood Methods Materials


8. Annex

The SUL Verification Kit supplies 4 tubes of Verifying Reagent for SUL (VFSUL). This reagent will be used for the preparation of the Verifying Solution, which is recommended to analyze after the calibration process to verify that the Calibration Standard is properly prepared.

Table 7 summarizes both solutions preparation as well as their stability.

Table 7. Verifying Reagent and Veryfying Solution Preparation.

Verifying Reagent

Verifying Solution

Add 5ml of Extraction Solution to 1 tube of Verifying Reagent

50µl Verifying Reagent + 99,95 ml of distilled water

Dry: r.t.*/ **/*** Hydrated: 3-8ºC/**/15 days

Hydrated: 3-8ºC/**/15 days

*r.t. = room temperature

**d.d. = keep in a dry and dark place

*** until expiration date

To analyze the Verification Solution: 1. Press Verifying Sol. and place the tray correctly with 10 ml of Measurement Solution. Press CONTINUE to start. 2. Wait until the device records the measurement target and it emits an acoustic signal. Press CONTINUE and inject the Verififying Solution into the measurement tray, with the aid of a micropipette, and wait until the process ends (See Table 6). 3. The message ‘Solution Verified’ or ‘Incorrect solution’ will appear on the display. 4. Replace the content of the cuvette with 10 ml of new SUL Measurement Solution.



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