ERP Sulfite Methods-Meeting Materials_4-2020

ERP for Sulfites in Seafood Methods Materials


I. General Guidelines Below is the general format of manuscripts with Official Methods or candidate Official Methods for ERP review and AOAC Publications.

A. Before the Method

o Title of the Manuscript o Author names and Affiliations o Abstract o Introduction o Summary of Validation Study Design or Protocol used. B. Method (See section II for the Formatting of Methods in Manuscripts)

C. After the method o Manuscripts should include the following sections: Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, and References. II. Format and Style for Official Methods The Method portion of the manuscript should be included after the Introduction. Methods must include the following elements: Title of the Method The title should include the Method number, analyte, matrix, technology used and the official status. AOAC will provide the Official Method number after the paper is received for publication as such, authors should use the following 2020.xx


AOAC Official Method 2020.xx Analyte in Matrix Technology used First Action 2020 (use the year that the method was approved)

Applicability statements Applicability statements should include the list of matrix(es) along with specific matrix types and range or limits of determination or detection. Applicability statements should address utility and limitations on use of method or other information. [Applicable for determination of ….] Caution Statements List any statements of caution after the applicability section. Review all methods for potential hazards. Authors should automatically incorporate safety statements. Decisions regarding inclusion of caution statements should be practical; overuse will be self ‐ defeating. Methods that create toxic, obnoxious or environmentally hazardous fumes and wastes should contain practical directions for disposal. Specify precautions and possible hazards in carrying out method, including safety information on equipment, techniques and practices, and safe handling of chemicals, acids, alkalies, microorganisms, and solvents. Example: Caution: Refer to the material safety data sheets for all chemicals prior to use. Use all appropriate personal protective equipment and follow good laboratory practices. Performance Parameters Include statistical data if the study provides sufficient information with regard to the reliability of the method. All headings should be set in Alphabetical Order i.e., A. Principle, B. Apparatus, C. Reagents. Methods should be laid out in the following order: A. Principle


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