Expert Review Panel for Kombucha Tea

2. Is there information demonstrating that the method meets the SMPR Method Performance Requirements using the Reference Materials stated in the SMPR? If not, then specify what is missing and how this impacts demonstration of performance of the method. method performs within the SMPR Method Performance REquirements table specifications for all analytes in the SMPR applicability statement? If not, please specify what is missing and whether or not the method's applicability should be modified. 1. Based on the supporting information, were there any additional steps in the evaluation of the method that indicated the need for any additional precautionary statements in the method? 2. Does the method contain system suitability tests or controls as specified by the SMPR? If not, please indicate if there is a need for such tests or controls and which ones. 3. Is there information demonstrating that the method system suitability tests and controls as specified in the SMPR worked appropriately and as expected? If no, please specify. 4. Based on the supporting information, is the method written clearly and concisely? If no, please specify the needed revisions. 3. Is there information demonstrating that the

No. Only VWR ethanol (99.96% abv putiry) was used.

No. Same as I.3 1. Since determination of LOQ and LOD is not described, it is not clear whether they meet SMPR. 2. Recoveries for ethanol concentrations below 0.5% abv were not determined 3. Repeatability of the method (presented as Precision) exceeds 4% 4. Reproducibility was not determined


Only partial information on system suitability tests can be found in Tables 1 and 2. However, they were not intended or described as such.

Only partial information on the method's suitability tests can be found in Tables 1 and 2. However, they were not intended or described as such.

Yes, it's clear and concise however fair amount of required information is missing

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