FAM ERP New Member Book.pdf

Data Handling

A section on data handling should be included if necessary. Example 5HSRUW UHVXOWV DV ȝJ KJ WR one decimal place or as IU/hg to zero decimal places. Other sections may be included as needed and should be labelled in alphabetical order (i.e., H. Chromatography) Tables and Figures Tables and Figures should be in separate documents and clearly labelled. Do not intersperse tables and figures within the text document. Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively as Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2.

For instructions on how to layout Tables and Figures specifications please visit our Instructions to Authors page.

Supplemental information

Supplemental information is allowed and should be included as a separate Word document clearly labelled. Supplemental information should be cited in the text. Supplemental data may include large tables, figures or appendices. Please note: this information will be available on the online Journal site and will be uploaded as submitted. It will not be copyedited or typeset.

All authors are encouraged to view the author guidelines at: https://academic.oup.com/jaoac/pages/General_Instructions

Below is a list of reasons why a paper may be returned prior to section editor assignment and peer review: 1. Papers are not properly laid out per the Instructions. 2. Papers need to be set in Times New Roman font 12 pt. Double spaced. 3. Papers must include the Title, Author Names, Affiliation, Address, corresponding authors email information, ORCID numbers for all authors. 4. Abstracts are in the incorrect format. The abstract should comprise of the following sub- headings: Background, Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion, Highlights, Keywords 5. Do not use numbering in your headings. 6. Major Headings are Bold, Acceptable major headings are: Abstract, Introduction, Experimental, Results, Discussion (or Results and Discussion can be combined under one heading), Conclusions, CRediT Author Statement, Acknowledgments, Funding, Conflicts of Interest, Research Ethics (where applicable), References 7. Secondary headings are Italic and include but are not limited to: Reagents , Apparatus, Study Materials, Test Method, Statistical Analysis, Analytical Technique, Sample Preparation , etc. Please set secondary headings in italic font (not bold, not bold and italic). 8. Figures must be in their own file. Only the caption should be in the main document and captions should be listed after the references. Do not intersperse throughout the document. 9. Tables can be in a separate file or placed at the end of the document. Choose one or the other. Do not intersperse throughout the body of the manuscript. 10. Figure captions should be after the References. 11. References must be set in the text in numerical order in parentheses (1) on the line not superscript. Please do not use square brackets. 12. References to do follow the Journal format (see page 3 for examples). 13. Do not use et al. in the reference list all authors must be included. 14. The abbreviation for Liter is uppercase L (µg/mL, mL, L, etc). 15. Do not use superscript -1 (example: mg.mL -1 ) please use the front solidus (example: mg/mL) 16. Do not use social titles (i.e., Dr., Prof., Mr. etc.)

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