AOAC Volunteer Approval (August 2022)

Filippo De Franceschi, PhD


• January 1 st , 2005 - December 31 st , 2007: PhD in "Science of Vegetal Production - Agrobiotechnology specialization" at Dept. of Environmental Agronomy and Crop Science, University of Padova (Padova, Italy).

• November 1 st , 2006 - October 31 st , 2007: Visiting scholar at the Department of Horticulture, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, Wisconsin, USA).

• September 1998 - September 2004: Master’s degree in biotechnology with a final mark of 105/110 at the University of Padova (Padova, Italy).

Laboratory skills

• Multiparameter spectral flow cytometry and flow cytometry analysis (Cytek 5-laser Aurora, BD 3-laser FACSCanto II, BD 5-laser Fortessa SORP, Beckman Coulter 3-laser Navios, Beckman Coulter 4-laser Cytoflex); cell sorting (Beckman Coulter 6-laser MoFlo Astrios). • Mammalian cell culture (iPS cells, stem cells, primary cells, established cell lines) with application of expansion, differentiation, and banking protocols. • Immunohistochemistry (fluorescence); tissue and cells embedding; cryosectioning. • Wide field fluorescent and time-lapse microscopy (Leica DM-6000, Olympus IX81 Cell-R, Zeiss Axioplan, Zeiss Axioimager M2). Confocal microscopy (Leica SP8 WLL, Leica 3D gated STED SP8 WLL). • Mashinchian O, De Franceschi F, Nassiri S, Michaud J, Migliavacca E, Aouad P, Metairon S, Pruvost S, Karaz S, Fabre P, Molina T, Stuelsatz P, Hegde N, Le Moal E, Dammone G, Dumont NA, Lutolf MP, Feige JN, Bentzinger CF. An engineered multicellular stem cell niche for the 3D derivation of human myogenic progenitors from iPSCs. EMBO Journal, 2022 • Duboux S, Muller JA, De Franceschi F, Mercenier A, Kleerebezem M. Using fluorescent promoter-reporters to study sugar utilization control in Bifidobacterium longum NCC 2705. Scientific Reports, 2022 • Mashinchian O, Hong X, Michaud J, Migliavacca E, Lefebvre G, Boss C, De Franceschi F, Le Moal E, Collerette-Tremblay J, Isern J, Metairon S, Raymond F, Descombes P, Bouche N, Muñoz-Cánoves P, Feige JN, Bentzinger CF. In vivo transcriptomic profiling using cell encapsulation identifies effector pathways of systemic aging. Elife, 2022 • Haller C, Piccand J, De Franceschi F, Ohi Y, Bhoumik A, Boss C, De Marchi U, Jacot G, Metairon S, Descombes P, Wiederkehr A, Palini A, Bouche N, Steiner P, Kelly OG, R-C Kraus M. Macroencapsulated Human iPSC-Derived Pancreatic Progenitors Protect against STZ Induced Hyperglycemia in Mice. Stem Cell Reports, 2019 • Greggio C., De Franceschi F., Grapin-Botton A. In vitro-produced pancreas organogenesis models in three dimensions: self organization from few stem cells or progenitors. Stem cells 33 (1):8-14, 2015 • Greggio C., De Franceschi F., Figueiredo-Larsen M., Grapin-Botton A. In Vitro Pancreas Organogenesis from Dispersed Mouse Embryonic Progenitors. J. Vis. Exp. (89), e51725, 2014


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