AOAC Volunteer Approval (August 2022)

Prepared manuscripts for publication and posters and oral presentations for conferences. Participated in reviewing grant applications for USDA. Participated as a peer reviewer for manuscripts submitted to the International Journal of Food Microbiology. Setup and taught laboratory courses (microbiology, food microbiology) included design of lecture notes, large volume media preparations, and specialty media preparation, cultivation of fastidious organisms, and isolation of microorganisms responsible for human and veterinary disease.

Professional Affiliations: International Association for Food Protection AOAC International Military Service:

U.S. Army Medical Corpsman:

Aug 1986-May 1988 Active May 1988-Aug 1994 Inactive Reserve Highest Rank- E-4 Honorable discharge Aug. 1994

Honors/Awards: Project examining prevalence, levels and molecular subtypes of Listeria in ready to eat meat products which I led in USDA received the Group Honor Award for Excellence; the highest award from the Secretary of Agriculture. This project also received a Bronze Meal for Excellence in Government from the Federal Executive Board. Group recognition award from the FDA for being a member of the Fluoroquinolone/Poultry Campylobacter Risk Assessment Group while with USDA. Certificate of Merit for assisting in the formation of the Antimicrobial Resistance Research Unit at the Richard B. Russell Research Center of the USDA. Numerous internal DuPont awards for work conducted by the validations team.

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