Food Authenticity Program Meeting Book (August 29, 2021)

AOAC INTERNATIONAL Food Authenticity Methods (FAM) Program Meeting at Sheraton Boston Hotel & Virtually 39 Dalton Street, Boston, MA 02199 STAKEHOLDER PROGRAM - DRAFT MEETING AGENDA Sunday, August 29, 2021 Meeting Start Time: 8:00am (Eastern US) Moderator & Science Advisor: Bert Pöpping (FOCOS-Food Consulting Strategically) Room Location: Republic

I. WELCOME & INTRODUCTION (8:00am-8:05am – Palmer Orlandi, AOAC INTERNATIONAL) Orlandi will open the meeting, welcome attendees and will outline the purpose and goals of the meeting. II. THE AOAC PROGRAM ON FOOD FRAUD (8:05am-8:25am – Bert Pӧpping, FOCOS-Food Consulting Strategically) Pӧpping will provide stakeholders with an introduction and overview of AOAC’s Food Authenticity Methods (FAM) Program. III. UPDATES ON THE BOTANICALS & SPICES WORKING GROUPS (8:25am-9:25am – Working Group Chairs) The working group chairs will provide an update on the current status of the working groups including the accomplishments to date for the Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPR®) in development of botanicals & spices for Molecular Applications, Targeted & Non-Targeted Testing analysis. Information will also be provided on the future of the program.

a. Targeted Testing (TT) Analysis ( Joe Boison, EJ Consultancy – 8:25am – 8:40am) b. Molecular Applications ( Daniele Sohier, ThermoFisher – 8:40am – 8:55am) c. Non-Targeted Testing (NTT) Analysis ( John Szpylka, FSNS – 8:55am – 9:10am) d. Method Submission Feedback (9:10am – 9:25am)

BREAK (9:25am - 9:40am)

* Requires a vote **Draft meeting agenda is subject to change w/out notice

Version 2

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