Food Authenticity Program Meeting Book (August 29, 2021)

Case Study: Bisphenol A (BPA)

Early Warnings • Safety and method publications in late ‘90’s • Official safety assessments indicated no concerns Issue Drivers • Media reports of some safety studies started to drive consumer sentiment Method Considerations • Consumer sentiment drove need for “BPA-free” • Reliable definition of method detection limits influenced public communications AOAC Engagement • Issue viewed as isolated to infant formula • ERP formed and First Action Method in 2017

1997 Publication of BPA concentration in infant formula 2008 Consumer sentiment drives elimination of BPA in infant formula packaging 2017 AOAC First Action Method for BPA in beverages


Case Study: Melamine

Early Warnings • Pet food issue in U.S. identified in 2007 Issue Drivers • Food safety and public health issue due to economic adulteration • Consumer sentiment and emotion further escalated intensity Method Considerations • Rush to demonstrate ‘zero’ - method capability outpaced requirement for food safety testing • Eventual Codex standard is 20X above the limits established during crisis AOAC Engagement • Call for methods abandoned when ISO/IDF method was established

2007 Identification of melamine as root cause of pet deaths in U.S. 2008-9 Identification of melamine in milk powder and infant formula in China 2010 AOAC call for methods ISO/TS 15495|IDF/RM 230 issued


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