Food Authenticity Program Meeting Book (March 18, 2022)


Colour Adulterants: (1) Sudan 1, (2) Metanil Yellow, (sodium 3-[4-anilinophenylazo] benzenesulfonate), (3) Acid Orange II, (sodium 4-[(2 E )-2-(2-oxonaphthalen-1-ylidene) hydrazinyl] benzenesulfonate, (4) Lead Chromate, (5) Yellow chalk (soapstone) powder, (6) Curcuma xanthorrhoea:- also called Javanese ginger, (7) Curcuma zedoaria, Curcuma zedoaria:-. a lso called zedoary or white ginger, (8) Curcuma malabarica - n ative to South India , (9) Curcuma aromatica:- Wild turmeric Non colour adulterants (usually used as fillers and/or bulking agents)– (10) Cassava ( Manihot esculenta ), starch and glucose


In Food & Agriculture, We Set the Standard

SMPR FOR THE COLOUR AND NON-COLOUR ADULTERANTS IN TURMERIC POWDER Analytical Parameter Acceptance Criteria for Colour Adulterants

Acceptance Criteria for Non- Colour Adulterants

Analytical Range (ppm)

1 – 30

1 – 30

LOQ (ppm) Recovery (%) Accuracy (%)



80 – 120

80 – 120

± 20

20 15 20

15 20

Repeatability, RSD r Reproducibility, RSD R

*Non-colour adulterants include cassava, starch, glucose

*Sudan I, Metanil yellow, acid orange II, Lead chromate and Yellow Chalk powder, curcuma aromatica, curcuma malabarica, curcuma zedoaria, curcuma xanthorrhea


In Food & Agriculture, We Set the Standard

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