Food Authenticity Program Meeting Book (March 18, 2022)


f Call for volunteers for AOAC Expert Review Panel (ERP) for Targeted, Non-Targeted and Molecular Food Authenticity Methods for Honey, Olive Oil and Milk was posted in ILM February 23, 2021. f Call for Method Validation Plans for Food Authenticity Methods for Milk, Olive Oil and Milk posted February 23, 2021. f Deadline for applications for qualified subject matter experts to be considered for appointment to serve on the ERP – f March 19 th 2021 f Deadline to submit candidate methods for adoption by the ERP – f March 19 th 2021 f Deadline for submitting Validation Plans for FAM methods – f June 4, 2021 f MARCH 18, ERP FOR FAM MEETING 8:00 H-12:00 H


In Food & Agriculture, We Set the Standard


f Complete action items on Gap Analysis for bovine milk, honey and EVOO for presentation at the 2022 MYM in Gaithersburg, MD f Complete the Gap Analysis Publication for Botanicals and Herbs for presentation at the 136 th Annual Meeting in Scottsdale (AZ) f Solicit interest in developing SMPRs and evaluating methods for the other priority adulterants in other commodities as was done for milk, honey and EVOO f Solicit interest in developing SMPRs and developing methods for other botanicals, herbs and spices of interest to the nutritional and botanicals community included in the list that was previously developed that included

f Maple Syrup, Aloe Vera, Natural Flavorings f Orange Juice, Grape Juice, Wine from Grapes f Tea, Organics, Grains – Rice f Meat, Fish & Seafood f Truffle oil


In Food & Agriculture, We Set the Standard

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