GOS Working Group Meeting Book (November 29, 2017)

Motion for Approval I ask for a motion to approve the SMPR for GOS with the following amendments:- 1) Add with the general descriptions for GOS: (ß-D-Gal p -(1→B)) n -ß-D-Gal p -(1→A)-D-Glc p (ß-D-Gal p -(1→B)) m -D-Gal p where n = 0-8; m = 1-9; B = 2,3,4 or 6; If n>0, A=1,2,3,4 or 6; If n= 0, A=1,2,3 or 6. 2) In the system suitability test add a check standard at the high point of the analytical range

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