ISPAM Advisory Panel-Food Allergen

Fundamental Concept Regarding Allergen Sampling and Testing Program • Ultimately food manufacturers protect those food allergic consumers by a comprehensive programs to prevent allergen cross contact and to properly label products with accurate allergen declarations • Allergen testing does NOT replace a comprehensive allergen management program • Allergen Testing is NOT a control measure; rather, allergen testing may Verify that programs designed to prevent the unintended inclusion of an undeclared food allergen are effective. In terms of Method Detection, what are some priority allergen targets? • Target method detection to the largest allergic population • Peanut • Milk • Egg • Shift focus to tree-nuts • Detection of allergens in challenging matrixes (e.g. peanut allergen in peanut oil) • Focus on allergens with no test methods • What priority does method development for these allergens deserve?

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