ISPAM Working Group Chair Presentation Book


• What are allergens? ‒ Complex mix of chemicals including proteins and sulfites that induce  d i th b d an a verse response n e o y • What are the adverse responses (allergenic reactions)? ‒ Due to binding of the allergen’s proteins to immunoglobulin  (IG), a Y‐shaped protein in the body, releasing a histamine. ‒ Inflammation resulting in hives, irritation in the skin/eyes,  shortness of breath, swelling, etc. ‒ Sensitivities to allergens vary from person to person.

• What are the major sources of these allergens? Wheat peanut tree nuts eggs milk soya fish ‒ ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  , 

shellfish, and sulfites, sesame seeds, mustard, and celery.

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