July 2019 BPA ERP - Review Book

BPA Method Re-submission Review Form

Submission Date

2019-07-05 12:32:27






Medical University of Lublin, Poland

Candidate Method Number:


Has the resubmitted method met the requirements outlined on May 22, 2018? Please provide justification for your answer. If specific requirements were made in the May 22, 2018 meeting, please explain how those requirements have been met or not met.



The proposed (resubmitted) method (BPA-02) entitled 'Determination of Free Bisphenol A in Commercially Packaged Ready to Consume Carbonated/Non- carbonated and Non-alcoholic Beverages with Immunoaffinity Column Purification and UPLC with Fluorescence Detector’ described by J. Liu, Z. Wu, H. Zhang, C. Xi, X. Wang, L. Chen, D. Toth - is met the requirements outlined on May 22, 2018. The developed method was evaluated following the definitions of AOAC SMPR 2017.018 with respect to Linearity, Repeatability, Reproducibility, Recovery, LOD (LOQ) values. My remarks to the proposed method are as follows: Page 8, Figure 4: 'A typical chromatogram of mixture bisphenol A, B, E, F is shown in Fig. 4.' Fig. 4. Separation of mixture of BPA (A) with its analogs BPF (F), BPE (E), BPB (B). Approximate equal amount of BPA, E, F, and B (2 ng/mL each) spiked in the 80% methanol (blue line), black line was the 80% methanol only.' All peaks of bisphenols standards (A, F, E, and B) are asymmetric. How was the chromatographic system optimized? What is the symmetry values of the peaks? The authors should add As values for bisphenols standards and determined analytes in samples.

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