Low Lactose ERP - Review Book



AOAC Volunteer Experts are vetted and appointed through the Official Methods Board and serve as appointed volunteers in AOAC. This includes working in the AOAC Research Institute administered services such as the AOAC Consulting Service reviewing and approving validation protocols,and in the Performance Tested Methods SM program reviewing and peer reviewing manuscripts. Training and orientation required. Volunteer Experts are eligible to serve on relevant AOAC Expert Review Panels. Contact Manager, Nora Marshall, nmarshall@aoac.org . Antibiotic & Veterinary Drug Residues

Chemical Contaminants in Foods Summary: Alternative/Rapid methods can be evaluated for detection or determination of contaminants in food (e.g., sulfites, ruminant protein, heavy metals, etc.…) content in food matrices and environmental surfaces. Food Authenticity and Integrity Summary: Alternative/Rapid methods can be evaluated for targeted detection or identification of potential adulteration of food commodities. Food Content Ingredients and Nutrient Methods Summary: Alternative/Rapid methods can be evaluated for detection or determination of ingredients and nutrients in commodities (e.g., vitamins, nutritive metals, fatty acids, etc.…) Food Pathogen Organisms and Their Toxins Summary: Alternative/Rapid methods can be evaluated for foodborne pathogens (including their variants and any toxins) in foods and environmental surface – using qualitative, quantitative, and identification techniques.

Summary: Alternative/Rapid methods can be evaluated for NCIMS consideration for milk using US FDA CVM protocols, or for dairy products using international protocols Food Allergens and Gluten Summary: Alternative/Rapid methods can be evaluated for detection or determination of food allergen or gluten content in food matrices and environmental surfaces. Food Chemical Natural and Spoilage Toxins Summary: Alternative/Rapid methods can be evaluated for naturally occurring toxins (e.g., mycotoxins) and spoilage toxins (e.g., histamine). Food Microbial Indicators Summary: Alternative/Rapid methods can be evaluated for microbial spoilage indicators, anaerobic organisms and certain pathogens (e.g., yeasts, molds, coliforms, etc….) in foods and environmental surfaces.

AOAC METHOD RELATED COMMITEES & OPEN EXPERT REVIEW PANELS Please email the contact provided to verify if new members are being accepted.

Committee on Safety Committee Chair: Yvonne Salfinger; Liaison: Delia Boyd, dboyd@aoac.org

Committee on Statistics Committee Chair: Sidney Sudburg; Liaison: Delia Boyd, dboyd@aoac.org

Aloe Vera Methods (DS) Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Ashwagandha Methods (DS) Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Dietary Starches & Fiber Methods Email La’Kia Phillips: lphillips@aoac.org Flavanol Methods Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Ginger Methods (DS) Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Kavalactone Methods (DS) Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org PDE5 Inhibitors Methods (DS) Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Select Food Allergens Methods Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org SPIFAN MCPD & GE Methods Email Delia Boyd: dboyd@aoac.org Sugars – Low Lactose Methods* Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Vitamin B12 Methods (DS) Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org

Aloin Methods (DS) Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Bisphenol A (BPA) Methods Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Echinacea Methods (DS) Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Folin C Methods (DS) Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Ginseng Methods (DS) Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Kratom Methods (DS) Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Proanthocyanidins Methods Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Skullcap Methods (DS) Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org SPIFAN Nutrient Methods Email Delia Boyd: dboyd@aoac.org Sulfite Assays* Email La’Kia Phillips: lphillips@aoac.org

Anthocyanin Methods (DS) Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Cannabis Potency Methods Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Ethanol in Tea (Kombucha) Methods Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Food Allergen Assays* Email La’Kia Phillips: lphillips@aoac.org Gluten Assays Email La’Kia Phillips: lphillips@aoac.org Lutein Methods (DS) Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Protein Methods (DS) Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Solids in Syrups Email La’Kia Phillips: lphillips@aoac.org SPIFAN Whey Protein-Casein Methods Email Delia Boyd: dboyd@aoac.org Tea Methods (DS) Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org

Antioxidant Methods Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Chondroitin Methods (DS) Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Fertilizer Methods Email La’Kia Phillips: lphillips@aoac.org Free Amino Acids Methods (DS) Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Heavy Metals Methods Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Microbiology Methods for Foods Email La’Kia Phillips: lphillips@aoac.org SAMe Methods (DS) Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org SPIFAN Contaminant Methods Email Delia Boyd: dboyd@aoac.org Sugars – Fructans Methods Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org Veterinary Drug Residue Methods Email:Christopher Dent: cdent@aoac.org

*ERPs that are forming now


Agricultural Materials Community Chair: William Hall, whall@tampabay.rr.com

Chemical Contaminants & Residues Community Co-Chair: Cheryl Lassitter, Cheryl.lassitter@noaa.gov ; Co-Chair: Victoria Siegel, VictoriaSiegel@EurofinsUS.com Mycotoxins Community Co-Chair:Susie Dei, susie-dai@uiowa.edu Co-Chair:Donna Houchins, donna.houchins@romerlabs.com

Water and Wastewater Community Chair: Ed Askew, efaskew@hotmail.com

Marine and Freshwater Toxins Co-Chair:Jim Hungerford, james.hungerford@fda.hhs.gov Co-Chair:Ana Gago-Martinez, anagago@uvigo.es

Food Allergens Community Co-Chair: Jupiter Yeung, Jupiter.Yeung@rd.nestle.com Co-Chair: Carmen Diaz-Amigo, carmen.diaz.amigo@gmail.com


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