Low Lactose ERP - Review Book


Submission Date

2019-09-06 13:12:33


Nour Eddine ES-SAFI




Mohammed V University in Rabat

Title of Method

K-LOLAC Enzymatic Low Lactose Assay

AOAC Candidate Method Number (e.g. ALN-01)


Applicable SMPR

AOAC SMPR 2018.009

I. Summary of the Method

The method termed K-LOLAC is proposed for the determination of lactose concentration in low-lactose and lactose-free milk, milk products, and products containing dairy ingredients. It is a single Lab Validation of Lactose Assay Kit for the determination of lactose concentration in low-lactose and lactose-free milk, milk products, and products containing dairy ingredients. The proposed Lactose Assay is an enzymatic method used for the rapid measurement of lactose in foodstuff and beverages. It is based on the hydrolytic activity of β -galactosidase, which hydrolyses lactose to glucose and galactose and susequent determination of the released glucose. The proposed method has been assayed on a sample set of 36 different commercial food and beverage products purchased in Ireland and a set of 10 certified reference materials.

II. Review of the Method Only 1. Does the applicability of the method support the applicability of the SMPR? If not, please explain what is missing. 2. Does the analytical technique(s) used in the method meet the SMPR? If not, please specify how it differs from what is stated in the SMPR. 3. Are the definitions specified in the SMPR used and applied appropriately in the method? If no, please indicate how the terms are used.


Yes the proposed analytical technique(s) used in the method meet the SMPR.

Data concerning reproduciblity (RSDR) are lacking.

Yes, the definitions specified in the SMPR are used and applied appropriately in the proposed method.

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