Microsoft Word - Candidates for 2017 ERP of the Year


recovery and LOQ


Modified Folin−Ciocalteu Antioxidant Capacity Assay for Measuring Lipophilic Antioxidants

No motion made.

December 10, 2015

The ERP agreed not to take action on this method at this time. The ERP determined that the following actions must be completed before this method can reconsidered for First Action Official Methods status:

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Need more data to meet SMPR Need data on reference materials (available from Catherine Rimmer, NIST) Ask if there is data on sample matrices addressed in SMPR Express as Gallic Acid equivalent Comparative data between traditional folin and modified folin between a range of matrices is required.

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Note: The Expert Review Panel for Folin-C has asked for additional clarification of the Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs) , specifically the title, as this SMPR is not for total phenolics.


1. Staff: Send notification to method authors respectively of the ERP decision and relevant ERP’s suggestions for each Folin C method to be considered for First Action Official Methods status. 2. Staff: Send notification to ERP member, Catherine Rimmer regarding the availability of reference materials for the Folin C methods. 3. Staff: Review and work on the ERP’s request for clarification of the SMPR


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