Microsoft Word - Candidates for 2017 ERP of the Year


Protein:   Method Reviews and Decisions

AOAC  Method # 

Manuscript Title, Submitter and Reviewers 

RP Decisions / Consensus 

Title:   Identification of Milk Proteins in Raw  Materials and Finished Goods Using ESI HPLC‐ MS/MS  Author(s):  (METHOD AUTHOR NAME) Genysis  Labs  Submitted by: Aihua Liu, Genysis Labs Primary Reviewer:   Hong You, Eurofins  Secondary Reviewer:   Philip Haselberger, Abbott  Nutrition 

MOTION to move this method to First Action Official Methods of Analysis ® Status  (Haselberger/You)   7 in favor, 2 opposed, 0 abstention.  The motion failed.  Reasoning/Summary:   Dissenters gave their reasoning.  Szpylka stated that his concerns are the same concerns he had  with PRO‐001 (see above).  Yang also stated that his concerns are the same he had with PRO‐ 001.    MOTION to move this method to First Action Official Methods of Analysis ® Status  (You/Lowenthal)  7 in favor, 2 opposed, no abstentions.  The motion passed by 2/3 override.     Description of the process used to determine the applicability of the three peptides,  specifically identifying the sources of the animal derived proteins.   Clarify the columns used in the method.   Clarify the trypsin source and the digestion optimization data.   Clarify concentration of urea in method.   Formulation details on Matrix A and Matrix B.   Provide a statement of orthogonal protein identity.    Reproducibility and user feedback   Add relative retention time to transition parameters and recommend provision of  chromatogram.     Recommend that author demonstrates that egg white does not inhibit the digestion.    MOTION to approve the Final Action Official Methods of Analysis ® Status Requirements as  presented (You/Haselberger)  9 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention.  The motion passed. Final Action Requirements: 



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