Microsoft Word - Candidates for 2017 ERP of the Year


Folin‐C:   Method Reviews and Decisions

AOAC  Method # 

Manuscript Title, Submitter and Reviewers 

ERP Decisions / Consensus 

Title:   Determination of Total Phenolic Content  Using the Folin‐C Assay:  Single Laboratory  Validation    Author(s): Steve Kupina, Constellation Wines;  Chris Fields, Applied Foods Sciences LLC; Mark  Roman, Tampa Bay Analytical Research Inc.;  Sharon Brunelle, Brunelle Biotech Consulting on 

MOTION to move this method to First Action Official Methods of Analysis ® Status  (Rimmer/Sullivan)   9 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions.  The motion passed. 

Final Action Requirements: 

 Applicability must state that the method is only applicable to  samples/extracts with greater than 5% total phenolic content.   

o Possibly look at wider range for both product types and phenolic  content. 

behalf of AOAC INTERNATIONAL  Submitted by: Sharon Brunelle

Horat not applicable to this measurement. 

 

Provide LOQ data. 

 Define the linear dynamic range of the calibration.   In must be clear that values are reported in gallic acid equivalents in the  method.   Clarify the sonification conditions. 

Primary Reviewer:   Kate Rimmer, US NIST  Secondary Reviewer:   Tom Phillips, State of  Maryland, Department of Agriculture 

MOTION to approve the Final Action Official Methods of Analysis ® Status  Requirements as presented (Sullivan/Haselberger)  8 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention.  The motion passed.



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