Microsoft Word - Candidates for 2018 ERP of the Year



AOAC Method #

Manuscript Title / Organization

ERP Decisions


Decision Date March 14, 2016

ARS-02 Title: High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass

MOTION, Smith/Maniei, to move ARS-02 to First Action. 7 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstain. The motion passed. MOTION, Mindak/Smith, that the ERP agrees with the final action requirements discussed. 7 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstained. The motion passed.

The ERP agreed to take action on this method at this time. The ERP determined that the following actions must be completed before this method can considered for Final Action Official Methods status: • 4.10.3- More descriptive • List of equipment include a

Spectrometric Determination of Four Arsenic Species in Fruit Juice

Organization: US FDA

refractometer measuring brix if determining juice concentrate. 4.10, table 2. Provide a range for the helium flow rate. Instrument setup – add paragraph on instrument tuning. Measurement of LOD/LOQ needs clarification. Report LOQ using multiplication factor 10 instead of FDA factor 30 to align with AOAC. Precautionary statement needed around pH and co-elution and check reagents for contamination prior to use. Include acceptable range Arsenate contamination in the phosphate buffer. Matrix spikes that include AsB as Analytical range should be included in method. Robustness data for mobile phase pH range.


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