Microsoft Word - Draft OMB Meeting Agenda-April 11 2019
OMB Meeting 4-11-2019 Pre-read Materials
Primary scientist responsible for all analytical instruments, including GC, GC-MS, HPLC, UV-Vis, and assorted detectors (e.g., photodiode array, fluorescence, FID, NPD, ECD, halogen specific). Pharmacology and Toxicology Research Laboratories, Inc., Clays Ferry, KY Analytical Chemist II 1986 –1989 Provided chemical and biological analyses of drugs and their metabolites in serum; developed and implemented chemical analyses of pesticides and their metabolites in air, water, soil, plant, and animal tissues. Other responsibilities included experimental method development and in-house validation certifications. Administrative Responsibilities included enforcement of in-house regulations for radiological safety and decontamination of biohazards and/or radioactive materials. Instrumental Responsibilities: Primary scientist responsible for all analytical instruments, including GC, GC-MS, HPLC, UV-Vis, and assorted detectors (e.g., photodiode array, fluorescence, FID, NPD, ECD, halogen specific).
Fellow of the AOACI, 2015
“Single laboratory validation of a method for the determination of phenols and phenates in disinfectant formulations by liquid chromatography with UV detection,” JAOACI 93(3):1039- 1045, 2010.
“Determination of Phenols and Phenates in Disinfectant Formulations by Liquid Chromatography with UV Detection: Collaborative Study,” JAOACI 95(2): 411-418, 2012.
“Building an Integrated Laboratory System to Advance the Safety of Food and Animal Feed,” International Journal of Regulatory Science, 2(1): 1-6, 2014. “Determination of nightshade alkaloids in a “stew” by HPLC-MS/MS,” to be submitted Journal of Food Protection, 2016. “A comparison of ELISA and HPLC-MS/MS in the determination of melamine in canned and dry pet foods,” to be submitted, JAOACI, 2016. “Determination of chlortetratcycline in Type A, B, and C medicated articles: a single laboratory validation,” to be submitted, JAOACI, 2016.
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