Microsoft Word - Draft OMB Meeting Agenda-April 11 2019
OMB Meeting 4-11-2019 Pre-read Materials
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3. AIBMR Life Sciences 2008-2011
Project Title: Effects of Amazonian palm berry açaí ( Euterpe oleracea Mart.) and açaí juice in prevention of atherosclerosis ($188K)
Role: PI
4. USDA 2005-2008
Project Title: Berry anthocyanins and the prevention of obesity
Role: Co-I
PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (* Correspondence Author)
1. * Wu, X. , Sun, J., Ahuja, J., Haytowitz, D., Chen, P., Burton-Freeman, B., Pehrsson, P. R. (2019). Effects of domestic cooking on flavonoids in broccoli and calculation of retention factors. Food Chemistry . (submitted) 2. * Wu, X. , Zhao, Y., Haytowitz, D., Chen, P., Pehrsson, P. R. (2018). Anthocyanin profiles and contents in processed red raspberries on the US market. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis . (Under review). 3. Sintara, M., Li, L., Liu, H., Cunningham, D. G., Prior, R. L., *Wu, X. , Chang, T. (2018). Determination of proanthocyanidins in cranberry-containing products by normal phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Food Chemistry . (Under review). 4. Ahuja, J, Li., Y, Nickle, M., Haytowitz, D., Roseland, J., Nguyen, Q., Khan, M., Wu, X ., Somanchi, M, Williams, J, Pehrsson, P, R., Cogswell, M. (2018). Comparison of label and laboratory sodium values in popular sodium-contributing foods in the United States. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics . (In press). 5. * Wu, X. Wang, T., Prior, R. L., Pehrsson, P. R. (2018). Prevention of atherosclerosis by berries – the case of blueberries. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry . 66 : 9172-9188 6. * Wu, X. , Jackson, R. T., Khan, S. A., Ahuja, J., Pehrsson, P. R. (2018). Human milk nutrient composition in the US: Current knowledge, challenges and research needs. Current Developments in Nutrition . 2 : nzy025 7. Cai, Q., Ji, S., Sun, Y., Yu, L., *Wu, X. , Xie, Z. (2018). 10-Hydroxy-trans-2-decenoic acid attenuates angiotensin II-induced inflammatory responses in rat vascular smooth muscle cells. Journal of Functional Foods . 45 : 298-305 8. Sintara, M., Li, L., Cunningham, D. G., Prior, R. L., * Wu, X. , Chang, T. (2018) Single laboratory validation for determination of total A-type proanthocyanidins in cranberry using 4-Dimethylaminocynnamaldehyde (DMAC). The Journal of AOAC International . 101 : 805-809 9. Cheng, H., Xu, N., Zhao, W., Su, J., Liang, M., Xie, Z., * Wu, X. , Li, Q. (2017). (-)-Epicatechin regulates blood lipids and attenuates hepatic steatosis in rats fed high-fat diet. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research . 61 , (in press) 10. * Wu, X. , Sun, J., Haytowitz, D. B., Harnly, J. M., Chen, P., Pehrsson, P. R. (2017) Challenges of developing a valid dietary glucosinolate database. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 64 : 78-84 11. Zhao, Y., Wu, X. , Yu, L., Chen, P. (2016). Retention of polyphenols in blueberries ( Vaccinium corymbosum ) after different cooking methods, using UHPLC–DAD–MS based metabolomics. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis . 56: 55-66
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