Microsoft Word - Draft OMB Meeting Agenda-April 11 2019
OMB Meeting 4-11-2019 Pre-read Materials
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14. Wu, X ., Xie, C., Kang, J. Blueberries inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α and IL-6 production in macrophages. The FASEB Journal . 2011 , 25: 971.1. 15. Kang, J., Xie, C., Ou, B., Schauss, A. G., Wu, X. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of acai ( Euterpe precatoria ) fruit pulp. The FASEB Journal . 2011 , 25: 773.15. 16. Montales, M. T., Rahal1, O. M., Rogers, T., Kang, J., Wu, X. , Simmen, R. C. M. Repression of mammosphere formation in breast cancer cells by soy isoflavone genistein and blueberry polyphenols. The FASEB Journal . 2011 , 25: 235.3. 17. Wu, X. , Kang, J., Xie, C., Ferguson, M. E., Badger, T. M., Nagarajan, S. Blueberries reduce lipid peroxidation and boost antioxidant enzymes in apoE knockout mice. The FASEB Journal . 2010 , 24: 564.20. 18. Kang, J., Wu, T., Li, Z., Jensen, G. S., Schauss, A. G., Wu, X. Antioxidant capacities of seven flavonoid compounds isolated from pulp of açai fruit ( Euterpe oleracea ). The FASEB Journal . 2010 , 24: 921.8. 19. Xie, C., Wu, X. , Nagarajan, S. Blueberries protect against atherosclerosis in apoE-deficient mice by inhibiting scavenger receptor expression. The FASEB Journal . 2010 , 24: 342.5. 20. Chen, J-R., Lazarenko, O. P., Wu, X. , Shankar, K., Blackburn, M. L., Badger, T. M., Ronis, M. J. J. P38 MAPK / β-Catenin canonical Wnt signaling mediated bone formation effects of blueberries. The 31st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research . Denver, CO, September 11-15, 2009 . 21. Schauss, A. G., Wu, X. , Prior, R. L., Ager, D. M., Jensen, G. S. Açai ( Euterpe oleracea Mart.): Systematic and collaborative study of the phytochemistry, nutrient composition, and in vitro and in vivo bioactivities of the Amazonian palm fruit. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine , 2009 . 15(3): S90-91. ( North American Research Conference on Complementary & Integrative Medicine: Collaboration to Promote Scientific Discovery and Health. Minneapolis, MN, May 12–16, 2009) 22. Wu, X. , Ferguson, M. E., Wilkes, S. E., Nagarajan, S. Effects of blueberries in prevention of atherosclerosis in ApoE knockout mice. The FASEB Journal . 2009 . 23: 723.3. 23. Prior, R. L., Wilkes, S., Rogers, T., Khanal, R., Wu, X. , Howard, L. Blueberry juice and anthocyanins moderate obesity, leptin and beta cell function in mice fed a high fat diet. The FASEB Journal . 2009 . 23: 350.2. 24. Prior, R. L., Wilkes, S., Wu, X. Correction of dyslipidemia resulting from high fat diets with purified anthocyanins from blueberry or strawberry but not in context of the complete berry. The FASEB Journal . 2008 . 22: 460.2. 25. Simmen, F. A., Xiao, R., Wu, X. , Prior, R. L. Blueberry consumption inhibits gastrointestinal tumorigenesis in AOM-treated rats. The FASEB Journal . 2008 . 22: 887.6. 26. Schauss, A. G., Jensen, G., Wu, X. , Scherwitz, L. Increased antioxidant activity in vivo in human consuming MonaVie, an Acai ( Euterpe oleracea ) berry fruit-based beverage. 2nd International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables. Houston, TX, October 9-13, 2007 . 27. Prior, R. L., Wu, X. , Hager, T. J. and Howard, L. Absorption of anthocyanins from berries: Metabolic products and influence of glycoside. Division of Agricultural & Food Chemistry for the 234th ACS National Meeting . Boston, MA, August 19-23, 2007 .
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