Microsoft Word - Draft OMB Meeting Agenda-April 11 2019
OMB Meeting 4-11-2019 Pre-read Materials
Jinchuan Yang 47 Saddle Hill Road Hopkinton, MA 01748 Phone: (508) 435-5394 (H) Phone: (508) 482-2107 (O) Email:
Ph. D.
Waters Corporation, Milford, MA. Principal Scientist
(March, 2016 – Present)
• Develop analytical methods for nutrients, food contaminants, and residues of pesticides or pollutants in various food and environmental matrices using Waters analytical products, including Waters sample prep. and column chemistries, UPLC, UPC 2 separation technologies, mass spectrometry and spectroscopy and other detection tools to support food and environmental market development. • Develop and validate new instrument and software designs. Business Development Manager (July, 2009 – March, 2016) • Responsible for the business development for the new generation of supercritical fluid chromatography (Ultra-Performance Convergence Chromatography) in food and environmental markets. • Focus on business development in Asian Pacific regional markets • Focus on the business development in the food quality control market segment. Sr. Applications Chemist (May, 2002 – June, 2009) • Develop characterization techniques for chemicals using high performance liquid chromatography (including SEC with viscosity and light scattering detection). • Cooperate with engineers to develop and validate new instrument and software designs for modern HPLC instrumentation. • Support and train Waters Technical Specialists and sales personals to support the world wide marketing operation. EDUCATION • University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL. (Jan. 1997 – May 2002) • Ph.D. in Polymer Science . Dec. 2001. Research Advisor: Dr. Jimmy W. Mays • East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China. (Sept. 1992 – July 1995) • M.S. in Polymer Science . July 1995. Research Advisor: Prof. Zhongde Xu. • Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China. (Sept. 1988 – July 1992) • B.S. in Polymer Materials . July 1992 1) Jinchuan Yang and Paul Rainville, “Automated 2-Dimensional Fingerprint Analysis for Routine Botanical Authentication Using the ACQUITY QDa Mass Detector ”, Waters Application Note, Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, 2018, Art. No. 720006284EN 2) Jinchuan Yang, Jimmy Yuk, and Paul Rainville, “Benefits of Mass Detection Using the ACQUITY QDa Mass Detector for Routine Botanical Authentication”, Waters Application Note, Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, 2018, Art. No. 720006247EN 3) Jinchuan Yang, “Vitamin D Analysis Using the ACQUITY UPLC H-Class PLUS System” , Waters Application Note, Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, 2018, Art. No. 720006303EN 4) Jinchuan Yang, Gareth Gleland, and Kari Organtini, “Determination of vitamin D and previtamin D in food products”, Waters Application Note, Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, 2017, Art. No. 720006064EN 5) Jinchuan Yang, Mark Benvenuti, and Gareth Cleland, “Fast analysis of isoflavones in dietary supplements – Method transfer to the ACQUITY UPLC H-Class system”, Waters Application Note, Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, 2016, Art. No. 720006065EN PUBLICATIONS
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