Microsoft Word - Draft OMB Meeting Agenda-April 11 2019

OMAMAN-30 D/ PTM Validation Report 081501 OMA ERP - June 2016 ERP Use Only

OMB Meeting 4-11-2019 Pre-read Materials


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The 3M Molecular Detection Assay 2 – Listeriamonocytogenes method may generate Listeria monocytogenes to levels sufficient to cause stillbirths and fatalities in pregnant women and the

immunocompromised, if exposed.

To reduce the risks associated with exposure to chemicals and biohazards: • It is strongly recommended that female laboratory staff be informed of the risk to a developing fetus resulting from infection of the mother through exposure to Listeria monocytogenes • Perform pathogentesting in a properly equipped laboratory under the control of trained personnel • Always follow standard laboratory safety practices, including wearing appropriate protective apparel and eye protection while handling reagents and contaminated samples • Avoid contact with the contents of the enrichment media and reagent tubes after amplification • Dispose of enriched samples according to current industry standards

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Enrichment Sample Preparation

3M recommends the use of Demi-Fraser Broth (with addition of ferric ammonium citrate) for the enrichment of food and environmental samples.Table 1 presents guidance for the enrichment of food and environmental samples. It is the user’s responsibility to validate alternate sampling protocols or dilution ratios to ensure this test method meets the user’s criteria.

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a) Allow the Demi-Fraser Broth enrichment medium to equilibrate to ambient laboratory


b) Aseptically combine the enrichment medium and sample according to Table 1. For all meat and highly particulate samples, the use of filter bags is recommended. c) Homogenize thoroughly by blending, stomaching, or hand mixing for 2 ±0.2 minutes.

Incubate at 37 ±1°C according to Table 1.

AOAC Research Institute Expert Review Panel Use Only

Environmental samples

Sample collection devices can be a sponge hydrated with a neutralizing solution to inactivate the effects of the sanitizers. 3M recommends the use of a biocide-free cellulose sponge. Neutralizing solution can be Dey-Engley (D/E) Neutralizing Broth or Letheen broth. It is recommended to

sanitize the area after sampling.

The recommended size of the sampling area for verifying the presence or absence of the pathogen on the surface is at least 100 cm 2 (10 cm x 10 cm or 4”x4”). When sampling with a sponge, cover the entire area going in two directions (left to right then up and down) or collect environmental samples following your current sampling protocol or according to the FDA BAM,

USDA FSIS MLG or ISO 18593 (7) guidelines.

1. Allow the Demi-Fraser Broth enrichment medium to equilibrate to ambient laboratory


2. Aseptically combine the enrichment medium and sample according to Table 1. 3. Homogenize thoroughly by blending, stomaching, or hand mixing for 2 ±0.2 minutes.


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