Microsoft Word - Draft OMB Meeting Agenda-April 11 2019
OMB Meeting 4-11-2019 Pre-read Materials
IV. EXPERT REVIEW PANELS a. Proposal to Revise the AOAC ERP for Flavanol Methods ‐ Agenda item not yet discussed at this meeting. Action Item: Move to a future OMB teleconference meeting agenda. b. Proposal on AOAC Volunteer Experts and Expert Review Panels ‐ Agenda item not yet discussed at this meeting. Action Item: Move to a future OMB teleconference meeting agenda. c. ERP Recommendations for Final Action ‐ Agenda item not yet discussed at this meeting. Action Item: Move to a future OMB teleconference meeting agenda. V. AOAC OFFICIAL METHODS BOARD a. OMB Liaisons Midyear Meeting Updates ‐ Agenda item not yet discussed at this meeting. Action Item: Move to a future OMB teleconference meeting agenda. b. Schedule of OMB Work for 2019 ‐ Agenda item not yet discussed at this meeting. Action Item: Move to a future OMB teleconference meeting agenda. c. Receipt of Premeeting OMB Meeting Materials – OMB members discussed their suggestions for ensuring productive meetings that included high quality OMB review of documentation for making decisions and understanding of expectations. Action Items: For items that will require OMB consensus, staff will send out pre‐read materials at least one weekend in advance of the scheduled Thursday meeting. For staff to annotate the agenda, perhaps in lieu of memos, so that the purpose of the agenda item and the expected action or outcome is clear in advance. VI. EDITORIAL BOARD & PUBLICATIONS UPDATES a. Editorial Board Update – Agenda item not yet discussed at this meeting. Action Item: Move to a future OMB teleconference meeting agenda.
Publications Updates – Agenda item not yet discussed at this meeting. Action Item: Move to a future OMB teleconference meeting agenda.
Motion to adjourn MOTION: Phillips moved, and Gilliland seconded. Consensus: Unanimous – Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm ET on Wednesday, March 13, 2019.
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