Microsoft Word - Draft OMB Meeting Agenda-April 11 2019
OMB Meeting 4-11-2019 Pre-read Materials
and reduces oxidized LDL levels in subjects at high-risk of cardiovascular disease. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 22 (12), 1046-1053. 15. Sánchez-Patán F, Bartolomé B, Martín-Alvarez PJ, Anderson M, Howell A, Monagas M. Comprehensive assessment of the quality of commercial cranberry products. phenolic characterization and in vitro bioactivity. J Agric Food Chem 2012;60(13):3396-408. 16. Sánchez-Patán F, Cueva C, Monagas M , Walton GE, Gibson GR, Quintanilla-López JE, Lebrón-Aguilar R, Martín-Álvarez PJ, Moreno-Arribas MV, Bartolomé B. In vitro fermentation of a red wine extract by human gut microbiota: Changes in microbial groups and formation of phenolic metabolites. J Agric Food Chem 2012;60(9):2136-47. 17. Sánchez-Patán F, Cueva C, Monagas M , Walton GE, Gibson GR, Martín-Álvarez PJ, Victoria Moreno-Arribas M, Bartolomé B. Gut microbial catabolism of grape seed flavan-3-ols by human faecal microbiota. targetted analysis of precursor compounds, intermediate metabolites and end- products. Food Chem 2012;131(1):337-47. 18. Pozo-Bayón MÁ, Monagas M , Bartolomé B, Moreno-Arribas MV. Wine features related to safety and consumer health: An integrated perspective. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 2012;52(1):31-54. 19. Tabasco R, Sánchez-Patán F, Monagas M , Bartolomé B, Victoria Moreno-Arribas M, Peláez C, Requena T. Effect of grape polyphenols on lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria growth: Resistance and metabolism. Food Microbiol 2011;28(7):1345-52. 20. Sánchez-Patán F, Chioua M, Garrido I, Cueva C, Samadi A, Marco-Contelles J, Moreno- Arribas MV, Bartolomé B, Monagas M . Synthesis, analytical features, and biological relevance of 5- (3′,4′-dihydroxyphenyl)-γ-valerolactone, a microbial metabolite derived from the catabolism of dietary flavan-3-ols. J Agric Food Chem 2011;59(13):7083-91. 21. Khan N, Monagas M , Andres-Lacueva C, Casas R, Urpí-Sardà M, Lamuela-Raventós RM, Estruch R. Regular consumption of cocoa powder with milk increases HDL cholesterol and reduces oxidized LDL levels in subjects at high-risk of cardiovascular disease. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 2011. 22. Sánchez-Patán F, Monagas M , Moreno-Arribas MV, Bartolomé B. Determination of microbial phenolic acids in human faeces by UPLC-ESI-TQ MS. J Agric Food Chem 2011;59(6):2241-7. 23. Monagas M , Urpi-Sarda M, Sánchez-Patán F, Llorach R, Garrido I, Gómez-Cordovés C, Andres-Lacueva C, Bartolomé B. Insights into the metabolism and microbial biotransformation of dietary flavan-3-ols and the bioactivity of their metabolites. Food and Function 2010;1(3):233-53. 24. Llorach R, Garrido I, Monagas M , Urpi-Sarda M, Tulipani S, Bartolome B, Andres-Lacueva C. Metabolomics study of human urinary metabolome modifications after intake of almond (prunus dulcis (mill.) D.A. webb) skin polyphenols. Journal of Proteome Research 2010;9(11):5859-67. 25. Garrido I, Urpi-Sarda M, Monagas M , Gómez-Cordovés C, Martín-Álvarez PJ, Llorach R, Bartolomé B, Andrés-Lacueva C. Targeted analysis of conjugated and microbial-derived phenolic metabolites in human urine after consumption of an almond skin phenolic extract. J Nutr 2010;140(10):1799-807. 26. Bartolomé B, Monagas M , Garrido I, Gómez-Cordovés C, Martín-Álvarez PJ, Lebrón-Aguilar R, Urpí-Sardà M, Llorach R, Andrés-Lacueva C. Almond (prunus dulcis (mill.) D.A. webb) polyphenols: From chemical characterization to targeted analysis of phenolic metabolites in humans. Arch Biochem Biophys 2010;501(1):124-33. 27. Requena T, Monagas M , Pozo-Bayón MA, Martín-Álvarez PJ, Bartolomé B, del Campo R, Ávila M, Martínez-Cuesta MC, Peláez C, Moreno-Arribas MV. Perspectives of the potential implications of wine polyphenols on human oral and gut microbiota. Trends in Food Science and Technology 2010;21(7):332-44. 28. Khan N, Monagas M , Llorach R, Mireia U-, Rabassa M, Estruch R, Cristina A-. Targeted and metabolomic study of biomarkers of cocoa powder consumption: Effects on inflammatory biomarkers in patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease. Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech 2010;21(3):51-4. 29. Urpi-Sarda M, Llorach R, Khan N, Monagas M , Rotches-Ribalta M, Lamuela-Raventos R, Estruch R, Tinahones FJ, Andres-Lacueva C. Effect of milk on the urinary excretion of microbial phenolic acids after cocoa powder consumption in humans. J Agric Food Chem 2010;58(8):4706-11.
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