Microsoft Word - Draft OMB Meeting Agenda-April 11 2019
OMB Meeting 4-11-2019 Pre-read Materials
Main activities and responsibilities Scientific advice concerning analytical methods, food agriculture and strategies, chemistry, microbiology, and technology of foods and beverages, including packaging materials. Consultancies concerning chemistry, microbiology, food technology, food safety, food packaging (plastic films, coatings/lacquers, metal cans) and related on-site inspections; Prevention and protection services manager (RSPP) according to the Italian D.Lgs 81/2008, Art. 2, letter F Patent pending software (2 products): Parisi S., Barone C., Laganà P. - deposito domanda brevetto italiana - n° 102017000041086 of 13 th April 2017 Parisi S., Barone C., Laganà P. - deposito domanda brevetto italiana - n° 102018000004178 of 03 rd April 2018 Name and address of employer Via Roccazzo 25 – 90135 Palermo, Italy Type of business or sector Professional consultancy, training, scientific advice, high professional training, academic training Dates 01/06/2013 → today Occupation or position held Series Editor for the SpringerBriefs in Chemistry of Foods series, Main activities and responsibilities Research of potential authors and contributors; editing activity; coordination of the group of authors (contributed books) Name and address of employer Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland (this activity is considered as a consultancy without fixed terms) Type of business or sector Editorial services Dates 27/02/2003 → 2013 Occupation or position held Research Potential Main activities and responsibilities Different researches about: Shelf Life Prediction and Control of Foods; Food Packaging and HACCP- related problems; prediction of Microbiological growing curves in cheese, Chemometrics in cheese. Name and address of employer University of Messina, Dept. Of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health “R. De Blasi” Via Consolare Valeria, Messina (Italy) Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Chemistry, Biology, Maths, Physics, other scientific matters Dates 28/12/1998 → today Occupation or position held Quality Management Responsible (BRC and IFS) and Quality Control Director Main activities and responsibilities Quality Management according to past EN ISO 9001:2000. Today: Quality Management according to British Retail Consortium- Global Food Standard, issue 7, and International Food Standard, v.6. Director of the internal laboratory (chemical and microbiological analyses). Name and address of employer Gambino Industrie Alimentari S.p.A Via Don Luigi Sturzo, Z.I., 90044 Carini (Italy) Type of business or sector Production of cheeses and dairy products
Dates 13/05/1996 - 01/10/1996
Occupation or position held Expert Consultant Main activities and responsibilities Analyses about stupefacient drugs. Name and address of employer Military Hospital of Palermo Corso Calatafimi, 90100 Palermo (Italy) Type of business or sector Italian Armed Forces
Dates 20/05/1996 - 01/11/1998 Occupation or position held Quality Control Director Main activities and responsibilities Analyses about metals, paints, coatings, inks and finished metal cans (food and non-food applications). Name and address of employer Salerno Packaging S.p.A. Via Salvatore Corleone, 90100 Palermo (Italy) Type of business or sector Can packaging production & marketing
Page 2 / 36 - Curriculum vitae of Salvatore PARISI
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