Microsoft Word - SPDS_0918_ERP-Proposal-07-11-2018DMC
3. Özkan, S.A., Gümüştaş, M ., Tunçağıl, S., Gökçel, İ.(Ed.), 2. Uygulamalı Elektrokimya Lisansüstü Yaz Okulu Kitabında Bölüm: Elektrokimyasal analizlerde analitik yöntem optimizasyonu ve validasyonu, 95-118, 2012. 4. Tunçağıl, S., Gümüştaş, M., Özkan, S.A., Gökçel, İ.(Ed.), 2. Uygulamalı Elektrokimya Lisansüstü Yaz Okulu Kitabında Bölüm: Anti Parkinson ilaç etken maddesi L-Dopa’nın elektrokimyasal analizi ve validasyonu, 263-275, 2012. 5. Uslu, B., Gümüştaş, M., Bozal- Palabiyik B. Savaşer, A., Özkan, Y., Özkan, S. A., Sözlük Dergisi, 6 (2), Eczacılık Terimleri Sözlüğü, İlaç Analizleri Terimleri, 2015 (Kabul tarihi: June, 2016; Basım tarihi: Aralık, 2016). ISSN:1308-1500 (Dictionary of terms of Pharmaceutical Analysis) 6. Sengel-Turk C. T., Gumustas, M ., Uslu B., Ozkan S. A. 2017. 10 - Nano-Sized Drug Carriers for Oral Delivery of Anti-Cancer Compounds and The Place of The Chromatographic Techniques - Grumezescu, A. M. (Ed.). Nano- and Microscale Drug Delivery Systems 1st Edition Design and Fabrication. Elsevier, Netherlands. 7. Gumustas, M ., Sengel-Turk C. T., Gumustas A., Ozkan S. A., Uslu B. 2017. 5 - Effect of Polymer-Based Nanoparticles on the Assay of Antimicrobial Drug Delivery Systems -Grumezescu, A. M. (Ed.). Multifunctional Systems for Combined Delivery, Biosensing and Diagnostics. Elsevier, Netherlands. 8. Gumustas, M ., Uslu B., Ozkan S. A. 2017. 14 - The Role And The Place Of High Performance Liquid Chromatography For The Determination Of Fermented Dairy Products -Grumezescu, A. M., Holban, A. M. (Eds.). Soft Chemistry and Food Fermentation. Elsevier, Netherlands. 9. Sengel-Turk C. T., Gumustas, M ., Uslu B., Ozkan S. A. 2018. 3- A novel approach for drug targeting: core-shell type lipid-polymer hybrid nanocarriers- Grumezescu, A. M. (Ed.). Design of nanostructures for theranostics applications. Elsevier, Netherlands. ISBN: 780128136706 10. Badilli U., Gumustas, M ., Uslu B., Ozkan S. A. 2018. - Lipid based nanoparticles for dermal drug delivery - Grumezescu, A. M. (Ed.). Organic materials as smart nanocarriers for drug delivery. Elsevier, Netherlands Development of novel melatonin analogue antioxidant active pharmaceutical ingredients: Evaluation of biological activities, cytotoxicity, electrochemical behaviour of possible metabolites (Researcher) Budget: 90 000 ₺ Dates: 15 November 2009-15 November 2011 Investigations on toadstool species included Psilocyn and Psilocybin, growing on Mediterranean region (Researcher) Budget: 75 012 ₺ Dates: 01 May 2009 – 01 July 2011
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