Microsoft Word - SPDS_0918_ERP-Proposal-07-11-2018DMC
26. Catherine A. Rimmer, Lane C. Sander, Stephen A. Wise, “Selectivity of long chain stationary phases in reversed phase liquid chromatography” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 382 (2005) 698-707. 27. Catherine A. Rimmer, Lane C. Sander, Stephen A. Wise, John G. Dorsey, “Synthesis and characterization of C 13 to C 18 stationary phases by monomeric, polymeric, and self-assembled monolayer approaches” J. Chromatogr. A. 1007(2003)11-20. 28. Catherine A. Rimmer, Paul McCall, John G. Dorsey “High Voltage Electrochromatography/Electrophoresis with Two Power Supplies” in preparation for submission to J. Chromatogr. A. 29. Ashley Lister, Catherine A. Rimmer, John G. Dorsey, “Gradient elution electrochromatography using a flow-injection analysis interface” J. Chromatogr. A 828 (1998) 105-112. 1. Betz, J.M. et al. “Dietary Supplement Product Quality Roundtable” AOAC, September 2016 2. Rimmer, C.A. and Sudberg, S. “Uncertain about Uncertainty? A Workshop on Estimating Measurement Uncertainty” AOAC, September 2016 3. Rimmer, C.A. "Identity Data for Botanical Dietary Supplements" ICSB, Oxford, MS April 2016 4. Reiner, J.L., Rimmer, C.A., Stidnt, A., Sander, L.C., "Development of Cyanobacteria Reference Materials" Pacifichem, Hawaii, December 2015. 5. Rimmer, C.A. “Development of Reference Materials for Dietary Supplement Analysis” BERM 14, National Harbor, MD, October 2015. 6. Catherine A. Rimmer, Melissa M. Phillips, Benjamin Place, Stephen A. Wise, Lane C. Sander “Liquid chromatography research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology” Pittcon, New Orleans, LA, March 2015. 7. Catherine Rimmer, “DNA Fingerprinting in Dietary Supplement Reference Materials” USP, DNA Barcoding Workshop, October 2014 8. Catherine A. Rimmer, “Dietary Supplement SRMS and RMs for Authenticity” AOAC International Annual Meeting, Boca Raton, FL September 2014. 9. Catherine A. Rimmer, Laura J. Wood, Melissa M. Phillips, “Dietary supplement quality assurance program: lessons learned” AOAC Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, August 2013. 10. Hendrik Emons, Jane Weitzel, John Budin, Melissa Phillips, Mitzi Rettinger, Catherine Rimmer, Donna Zink. “The use of certified reference materials in dispute resolution” AOAC Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, August 2013.
Invited oral presentations:
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