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Anikó M. Sólyom
Home :
245 S. Plumer Ave., Suite 5 Tucson, AZ 8519-6345
6925 N. Camino de las Candelas
Tucson, AZ 85718-1023 Tel : (520) 544-9477
Tel: (520) 975-0411
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Helsingin Kauppiaat Oy (HK) Helsinki, Finland
Visiting scientist
Analyzed beef and pork meat products and ready meats in the Quality Control Laboratory of HK, the fifth largest food manufacturer in Europe
Technical University of Budapest , Budapest, Hungary
1981 - 1984
Doctor of Philosophy of Analytical Chemistry Dissertation:
Application of Optical Spectroscopic Methods for the Analysis of Metallic Glasses
Technical University of Budapest , Budapest, Hungary
1979 - 1981
Master of Sciences of Chemical Engineering
Thesis: Critical Investigation of Atomic Absorption Techniques for Mercury Determination
Technical University of Budapest , Budapest, Hungary Bachelor of Sciences of Chemical Engineering Major: Organic Chemistry
1976 - 1979
Publications :
44 professional publications in refereed periodicals and books 1 patent 49 conference posters and 10 conference lectures
Honors :
1981 1980
Predoctoral Fellowship - Helsingin Kauppiaat Oy, Helsinki, Finland
Recipient of the “PHARE” Travel Award
Recipient of the “Szechenyi Istvan” Research Scholarship for investigating photoacoustic effects in gases Member, Special Emphasis Review Panel – Botanical Research Centers (ZAT1- DB17), NIH-NCCAM/ODS Voting member - Presidential Task Force on Dietary Supplements, AOAC Member of the Dietary Supplement Subcommittee of ALACC (Analytical Laboratory Accreditation Criteria Committee) Voting member of the Stakeholder Panel on Dietary Supplements, AOAC Member of various AOAC’s Working Groups (Anthocyanins, Ashwagandha, Chondroitin, Cinnamon, Folin-C, Lutein and Turmeric) Horwitz Advisor, AOAC Reviewer for The Journal of AOAC
2001-2005 2004-2008
2008- 2014
2014, 2015 2014, 2015
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