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chromatography (GC), GC‐MS, LC‐MS, NMR and wet techniques.  Before founding GAAS  Corporation/GAAS Analytical, I served as director of the Analytical Core at an NIH funded Botanical  Center (Arizona Center for Phytomedicine Research). The Facility focused on quantitation and  identification of natural products and dietary supplements, particularly anti‐inflammatory compounds  from turmeric, ginger and boswellia. I developed methods to analyze these compounds from the plant  materials, extracts, commercially available dietary supplements and from different biological matrices. I  also developed and validated new assay methods according to cGLP regulations, to quantify novel  cancer drugs in plasma and urine using QQQ LC/MS technique; identifying metabolites of new cancer  drugs in plasma and urine using TOF LC/MS technique and calculating pharmacokinetic parameters.    I am an active member of AOAC International; I joined the organization in 2002. Currently, I am a  member of AOAC’s Stakeholder Panel on Dietary Supplements and member of various working  groups. I have participated in multiple AOAC organized collaborative studies (glucosamine,  ginkgo, saw palmetto) in order to validate analytical methods to be used by the dietary  supplement industry. I was Horwitz advisor of AOAC until the restructuring the Official  Methods of Analysis (OMA) process in January 2008, when the role of method advisors and  Horwitz advisors was retired. For 5 years I have been serving as a member of the Presidential Task  Force on Dietary Supplements of AOAC, and also served as a member of Expert Review Panels of  AOAC. I was selected in June 2015 to serve a 5‐year term as the member of USP’s Nonbotanical Dietary  Supplements Expert Committee. ‐‐‐  John Szpylka, Mérieux Nutrisciences  Very active in nutrient and dietary supplement communities from analytical testing angle.  Review  resume.  ‐‐‐  Tomasz Tuzimski, Medical University of Lublin (Poland)  The subject of my research were analysis of vitamins, and other ingredients of medicinal herbs and  pharmacognostic raw materials.  ‐‐‐  Joseph Zhou, Sunshineville Health Products  I have a lot of testing and methods development experience for echinacea, ginseng and kava, and have  been working for AOAC official methods program for many years. 

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