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Anikó M. Sólyom


Home :

245 S. Plumer Ave., Suite 5 Tucson, AZ 8519-6345

6925 N. Camino de las Candelas

Tucson, AZ 85718-1023 Tel : (520) 544-9477

Tel: (520) 975-0411

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Drug Metabolism Reviews 35:211, Suppl.1, p. 106 (2003)

R. C Lantz, G. J. Chen, A. M. Sólyom , B. N. Timmermann: The Effect of Botanical Compounds on Inflammatory Mediator Production. FASEB Journal, 16(4), A645 (2002) R.K. Kuester, J.J Pritchett, S.M. Fontaine, A.M. Sólyom, I.G. Sipes:

Glucuronidation of Bisphenol A in Hepatic Microsomes: Age-Dependent Differences. The Toxicologist , 60, Abstract # 456, p. 95 (2001)

A. M. Sólyom , I.G.Sipes: The in vivo absorption, distribution and excretion of 14C-methyleugenol in male F-344 rats after topical administration The Toxicologist , 60, Abstract # 1619, p. 340 (2001) Gy. Z. Angeli, A. M. Sólyom, A. Miklós, D. D. Bicanic: Dependence of the photoacoustic cell constant on the material choice Conference Digest of 7 th International Topical Meeting on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena , O III/2. pp. 96-97. (1991) A. M. Sólyom, Gy. Z. Angeli, A. Miklós, D. D. Bicanic, M. Lubbers: Detection of ammonia - CO 2 laser photoacoustic spectroscopy compared to conventional spectrophotometry Book of Abstracts of XXVII. Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, D-1.5 (1991) Gy. Z. Angeli, A. M. Sólyom, A. Miklós, D. D. Bicanic: Calibration of a specially designed windowless photoacoustic cell for low concentration gas analysis Book of Abstracts of XXVII. Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, B-1.7. (1991) Gy. Z. Angeli, A. Miklós, A. Sólyom, A. Lörincz: Photoacoustic gas analyzer instrument for environmental measurements (in Hungarian) Proceedings of XXXIII. Hungarian Spectroscopic Itinerary Congress , pp. 13-16. (1990) A. Sólyom, A. Miklós, Gy. Z. Angeli, A. Lörincz: The application of a new analytical method - the photoacoustic spectroscopy - for environmental air analysis (in Hungarian) Proceedings of XXXIII. Hungarian Spectroscopic Itinerary Congress , pp. 7-11. (1990) A. Sólyom, K. Balla-Zámbó: Development of optical spectroscopic methods for the analysis of phosphorus content of metallic glasses (in Hungarian) XXVI. Hungarian Spectroscopic Itinerary Congress , pp. 139-145 (1983)

Posters presented at national and international conferences

A.M. Sólyom : A Single Laboratory Validation Study for the Determination of Curcuminoids in Dietary Supplements and Foods by Rapid Resolution HPLC using PDA Detection. Presented at the 123 rd AOAC International Annual Meeting and Exposition, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 13-16, 2009 A.M. Sólyom , R.K. Kuester, V.P. Rodriguez, L. Jacobs, C.J. Sweet, I.G. Sipes: Disposition of Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) in Male Fischer-344 rats. Presented at the 45 th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Toxicology, San Diego, California USA, March 5-9, 2006


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