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Anikó M. Sólyom
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245 S. Plumer Ave., Suite 5 Tucson, AZ 8519-6345
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G.G. Angeli, V.P. Rodríguez, B.N. Timmermann, A.M. Sólyom :
Extraction and Analysis of Fresh Ginger Root and Ginger Dietary Supplement. Presented at 118 th AOAC International Annual Meeting and Exposition , St. Louis, Missouri, September 19-23, 2004 V.P. Rodríguez, C.Sweet, B.N. Timmermann, A.M. Sólyom : Development of an LC/MS/MS Method to Separate and Analyze Curcuminoids, their Metabolites and Degradation Products . Presented at 118 th AOAC International Annual Meeting and Exposition , St. Louis, Missouri, September 19-23, 2004 K.L. Prudic, A.M. Sólyom , J.Q. Gu, B.N. Timmermann: Defensive Chemicals in the Viceroy Butterfly (Limenitis Archippus) and its Larval Host-Plant, Carolina Willow (Salix Caroliniana) Presented at International Congress on Natural Products Research, American Society of Pharmacognosy, Phoenix AZ, USA. July 31-August 4, 2004, Amber S. Roberts, V.P. Rodríguez, B.N. Timmermann and A.M. Sólyom : Quantification of the Curcuminoids Content in Bulk Wholesale and Retail Dietary Supplements. Presented at Undergraduate Research Posters on the Hill (organized by The Council on Undergraduate Research), Washington D.C., April 20, 2004, R.C. Lantz, G.J. Chen, M. Sarihan, A.M. Sólyom , S.D. Jolad, and B.N. Timmermann: Sites of Action of Compounds Isolated from Ginger. Presented at Experimental Biology 2004 , Washington DC, April 18, 2004. A.M. Sólyom , V.P. Rodriguez, and B.N. Timmermann: Development of a Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Method for the Analysis of Curcuminoids. Presented at 117 th AOAC International Annual Meeting and Exposition , Abstract P1025, Atlanta, GA, USA, September 14-18, 2003 A.M. Sólyom , A.S. Roberts, V.P. Rodriguez, B.N. Timmermann: Quantification of the Curcuminoids Content in Bulk Wholesale and Retail Turmeric Dietary Supplements. Presented at 117 th AOAC International Annual Meeting and Exposition, Abstract P1026, Atlanta GA, USA, September 14-18, 2003 A.M. Sólyom , V.P. Rodriguez, Shivanand D. Jolad, B.N. Timmermann: Ginger: What’s in the bottle? Presented at 117 th AOAC International Annual Meeting and Exposition , Abstract P1032, Atlanta GA, USA, September 14-18, 2003 S. Höhle, E. Pfeiffer, A. M. Sólyom , B. N. Timmermann, M. Metzler: In vitro Studies on the Biotransformation of Curcuminoids. Presented at 8 th European ISSX Meeting , Dijon, France, April 27-May 1, 2003 R.K. Kuester, D. Castro, A.M. Sólyom , I. G. Sipes: Characterization BPA Glucuronidation by Rat and Human Hepatocytes Presented at 42 nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Toxicology , Salt Lake City UT,USA, March 09-13, 2003 E. Pfeiffer, S. Höhle, A. M. Sólyom , B. N. Timmermann, and M. Metzler: Stable and unstable glucuronides in curcumin metabolism. Presented at 42 nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Toxicology , Salt Lake City UT, USA, March 09-13, 2003 E. Pfeiffer, H.L. Esch, S. Höhle, A.M. Sólyom , B.N. Timmermann, M. Metzler: In vitro studies on the estrogenic activity and the metabolism of curcumin.
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