Microsoft Word - SPDS_0918_ERP-Proposal-07-11-2018DMC




Covance  Laboratories 

Yanjun  Joseph 

Zhang  Zhou 


x  x 

Sunshineville  Health  Products 

STATEMENTS OF EXPERTISE, SR. STAFF COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS  Sneh Bhandari  Mérieux NutriSciences CRO  Industry  USA  Statement of Expertise  Sneh D. Bhandari is the Director of Chemistry Research & Development at Silliker Inc. and has been  part of the Merieux NutriSciences /Silliker for over twenty‐five years. He directs method development  related to food analysis and nutrition labeling including protein nutrition and quality evaluation. He  did his doctorate in Nutritional Biochemistry.  He has been working use of amino acid as finger print as tool to detect adulteration of skim milk  powder. He recently presented his research findings at the 254th ACS National Meeting in  Washington, DC, August 20‐24, 2017 in symposium on “Advancing Analytical Methods in Food  Forensics & Authentication”.    He has been ERP member of SPIFAN from beginning and was chair of Choline working group. He  recently successfully completed Folate collaborative study under SPIFAN for the AOAC method  2011.06.  He has been helping food industry clients in USA and Canada in evaluation of protein quality for  nutrition labeling and other purposes. He organized a session on “Protein Nutrition and Quality  Assessment: A Global Perspective” this year at AOAC annual meeting. He also made a presentation on  ‘Protein quality evaluation in protein enhanced formulations and nutrition labeling’ at 2017 AOAC  annual meeting and also at 5th Annual Protein Trends & Technologies Seminar at Itasca, IL on  “Protein and amino acid analysis in relation to nutrition labeling and protein quality”. He has also  made presentations on Protein quality evaluation and nutrition labeling for food industry clients and  other professional meetings.   He has developed and validated various methods in food and dietary supplement analyses including  Vitamins A, D, E, K1, K2, Folate, Niacin & fatty acids, artificial colors, non‐caloric sweeteners,  antibiotics etc.  Steering Committee Member of USP Skim Milk Powder Advisory Group (2010‐2015).   He was Chair and member of the Amino acid finger print team under USP Skim Milk Powder Advisory  Group (2012‐2016). Member of USP’s Non‐Targeted Methods for Milk Ingredients Expert Panel  (2016).    He is the Fellow of AOAC, was a member of OMB and various, ERPs, Stakeholder panels and working  groups. Earlier he has been member of technical committee C and General Referee for Vitamins.  He  is also actively involved with AOCS for a long time.  He is the author of numerous refereed articles and  book chapters and presentations at the professional meetings. Sr. Staff Review  Dr. Bhandari serves as an AOAC Volunteer Expert for vitamin and nutrient methods in the  Performance Tested Methods program including vitamin B 12 .   He has only applied for the SPDS Vitamin B 12 ERP.  Staff Recommendation  Recommend for the SPDS Vitamin B 12 ERP 

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