Microsoft Word - SPDS_0918_ERP-Proposal-07-11-2018DMC
• Developed/validated various new HPLC methods for vitamins, preservatives, organic acids etc. • Participated in AOAC collaborative study on vitamin D analysis by HPLC.
Dept of Food Science & HN, Gainesville, FL
Postdoctoral Research Associate • Studied metabolism and bioavailabilty of folate vitamers in humans using stable isotopes analyzed using mass-spec. • Synthesized various stable isotopes of folates and purified using HPLC & characterized by photo diode array. • Studied Polyglutamyl conjugase from human intestinal brush border vesicles and from porcine pancreatic juice using a HPLC assay. • Devised various methods of folate extraction from biological tissues assessed using HPLC methods. 1986–1987 Dept of Pharmacology, LSUMC, Shreveport, LA Postdoctoral Research Fellow • Studied mechanism of folate transport in rat kidney. Characterized folate receptor in renal brush border vesicles. • Studied effect of ethanol on folate metabolism and bioavailabilty of folate vitamers in rat using radioactive isotopes. 1976–1986 Biochemistry Dept., MS University, Baroda, India Reader and Lecturer • Taught Biochemistry, Human Physiology and Clinical Chemistry, Human Nutrition and Food Chemistry to post-graduate students. • Studied effects of nutritional factors on intestinal enzymes and lipids. 1982–1983 Dept. of Pediatrics, AHSC, Tucson, AZ UNESCO Postdoctoral Research Fellow • In vitro studies on sugar transport using everted gut sac technique and its correlation with activities of digestive enzymes. • Studies on thyroid hormone receptors in isolated intestinal epithelial crypt and villi cells. 1977–1980 Biochemistry Dept., MS University, Baroda, India Principal Investigator • Studies on intestinal phosphoinositide metabolism. 1972–1976 Biochemistry Dept., MS University, Baroda, India Research Fellow • Studies on intestinal enzymes and biochemistry in relation to nutrition. 1972–1972 Biochemistry Dept., MS University, Baroda, India Research Fellow Studies on soybean hemagglutinins and trypsin inhibitors and effect of food processing on the same.
Biochemistry Dept., MS University, Baroda, India
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