Microsoft Word - SPDS_0918_ERP-Proposal-07-11-2018DMC
(SMPRs) for Identification and Quantitation of Animal-Derived Proteins in Dietary Supplements. Journal of AOAC International . 100(1): 286-287. Solyom AM; Betz JM; Brown PN ; et al. (2016). AOAC SMPR 2016.003. Standard Method Performance Requirements for Quantitation of Curcuminoids Journal of AOAC International . 99(4): 1102-1104(3). Roman S; Brown PN et al. (2015). AOAC SMPR 2013.001. Standard Method Performance Requirements for Hypericins, Hyperforins, and Flavonoids in St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) and Other Hypericum spp. Journal of AOAC International . 98(4): 1032-1033. Hilmas, C; Betz JM; Brown PN ; et al., (2015). AOAC SMPR 2015.008. Standard Method Performance Requirements for Alkaloids of Mitragyna speciosa. Journal of AOAC International . 98(4): 1106-1108. 2008 – 2013, columnist of “Quality Focus” for Nutraceuticals World , an Industry Trade Journal Published by Rodman Publishing. O t h e r R e c e n t C o n t r i b u t i o n s Keynotes and Invited Presentations 1. Chemometric Analysis of Botanicals. Invited Departmental Lecture. Department of Chemistry, Dalhousie University, January 2018, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. 2. Botanical Quality Assurance & GMP Compliance: Method Selection and Fitness for Purpose (Session: Emerging Relevance of DNA for Botanical Identification) AHPA Botanical Congress, Supply Side West. September 26-29, 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 3. Establishing minimum performance requirements and fitness for purpose for quantitative determination of target analytes in plant materials, dietary supplements and/or dietary ingredients. 131st AOAC International Annual Meeting & Exposition, September 24-27, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 4. Opportunities, Trends and Challenges in the Global Vitamin & dietary Supplement (VDS) Market. 23rd Lanzhou Investment and Trade Fair, July 2017, Lanzhou, China. 5. Stakeholder panel on dietary supplements: Background and fitness for purpose for quantitative determination of selected ginsenosides in plant materials, dietary supplements and/or dietary ingredients. AOAC Mid-Year Meeting Mar 13-17, 2017, Gaithersberg, MD, USA. 6. Characterizing and Establishing Authenticity of Botanical Products. Invited presentation at the 17th Annual Conference on the Science of Botanicals April 3-6, 2017, Oxford, MS, USA. 7. Characterizing and Establishing Authenticity of Botanical Products. Invited presentation at Pittcon Conference & Expo 2017, Mar 5-17, 2017, Chicago, Il, USA. 8. “What's in the Bottle?" Invited Departmental Lecture. Department of Biology, University of British Columbia, November 2016, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. 9. Use of chemical profiling with chemometric analyses for determining adulteration. Invited Plenary lecture at 2016 Annual Conference of the Natural Health Products Research Society of Canada, May 17-20, 2016, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada. 10. Strothers L; Brown PN; Fenster H; Levine M; Berkowitz J. Dose response of cranberry in the treatment of lower urinary tract infections in women. AUA 2016, May 6-10, 2016, San Diego, California, USA. 11. Metabolomics for phytochemical discovery. Invited Keynote at the University of North Carolina Greensborough Fall 2015 Seminar Program. Nov 13, 2015, Greensborough, NC, USA. 12. The importance of method selection and fitness for purpose to ensure product integrity. Invited presentation at The UNPA Dietary Supplement Analytical Summit: The Evolution and Implications of Analytical Testing in the post-New York Attorney General World, Nov. 5-6, 2015, Salt Lake City UT, USA. 13. Guidance on Method Selection for Establishing Authenticity of Botanical Products. NHP Quality Session. Canadian Health Food Association. September 15-16, 2016. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
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