Microsoft Word - SPDS_0918_ERP-Proposal-07-11-2018DMC
Chemical changes during processing: Chemical transformations which contribute to the organoleptic properties alterations (de-astringency, browning, darkening, etc …) of foods during processing, maturation, storage and aging. Evolution of phenolic compounds during processing, maturation, storage and aging of foods in model solution systems. Evolution of phenolic compounds in model solution systems. Detection, isolation and identification of the new formed compounds and confirmation of their presence in in foods. Role of the new formed compounds in food organoleptic properties and huaman health. Pharmacological activity: Antibacterial and antifungal activity of natural and synthesized compounds. Mollusciscidal activity of proanthocyanidols and flavonols isolated from grapes and vine leaves. Antioxydant and free radical scavenging properties of natural and synthesized compounds. Strucure-activity relationships. Teaching Experience Organic Chemistry: Stereochemistry, reactions, mechanisms and structures. Natural Products. Spectral Analysis: IR, MS, NMR. Chromatography: PC, GPC, HPLC. Polyphenols chemistry Scientific communication Valorization of plants in the cosmetic sector Valorization of plants in the agro-food sector Valorization of plants in the pharmaceutic sector
Curriculum Vitae - N. ES-SAFI - May 4, 2018.
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