Natural Colors Agenda AM 2023

AOAC INTERNATIONAL Annual Meeting 2023 Color Additives from Natural Sources Working Group Monday, August 28, 2023 3 :30 – 5 :00PM CDT Draft Agenda

Moderator: Bhakti Petigara Harp I.

WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS Allison Baker (AOAC) will welcome attendees and lead introductions . II. OVERVIEW OF AOAC EXPERT REVIEW PANELS (3:30PM – 3:35PM) Allison Baker, AOAC INTERNATIONAL, will provide an overview of the Expert Review Panel processes, and review how attendees can get involved.



Joe Konschnik, PlusOne Consulting, LLC, representing Restek Corporation, will provide an update on the Pesticide Residues Subgroup and an overview of the subgroup’s SMPR and public comment period • RESIDUAL SOLVENTS (3:55PM – 4:10PM) David Bolliet, Kalsec, Inc. will provide an update on the Residual Solvents Subgroup and an overview of the subgroup’s SMPR. John Mills, bioMérieux, will present on emerging technology for predictive microbiology for natural food colors. He will also provide an overview on the background and current challenges, for the Microbial Contaminants Subgroup V. The Role of FCC in Protecting the Integrity of Food Colors from Natural Sources (4:30PM – 5:00PM) Eric Schwartz, US Pharmacopeia, and Tongtong Xu, US Pharmacopeia, will present on the role of FCC in protecting the integrity of natural good colors IV. EMERGING TECHNOLOGY FOR NATURAL COLORS (4:10PM – 4:30PM)



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