
ERP for Gluten Assays



Dr. Katharina Scherf Leibniz-Institute for Food Systems Biology At the Technical University of Munich Section for Functional Biopolymer Chemistry

Lise-Meitner-Strasse 34 85354 Freising, Germany

Potential collaborators name:

Dear (participant):

AOAC INTERNATIONAL is in the process of evaluating validated methods as an AOAC® Official Method SM for the quantification of gluten from wheat, rye, and barley in oat-based food products by the RIDASCREEN® Total Gluten test method. As Study Director for this method, I am soliciting potential collaborators for an inter-laboratory collaborative study. This method requires laboratory analysts trained in allergen ELISA methods and equipment used for this type of analysis. It is of high relevance that the laboratory environment is free from gluten because the assay has a high sensitivity to all kinds of gluten contaminations e.g. through air-borne dust from cereals. The study will consist of 42 blind-coded samples tested as single determination and three control samples tested as single determination. The approximate estimate for the entire study should be about 3 days. Reagents and materials to perform the method, as well as, the test samples, a copy of the method and instructions will be provided to collaborators, as well as an Excel sheet for data collection. Please note that you will need 1100 mL ethanol p.A. for the analysis (due to an increased sample intake of 1 g instead of 0.25 g in the RIDASCREEN® Gliadin). AOAC and I would appreciate your participation in this program. All collaborators will be given credit in the publication of the study results in the Journal of AOAC International . In addition, I will send you a copy of the results (with your results highlighted) as soon as they are compiled and analyzed. Please confirm your participation by email at by August 15 th 2018, and/or call me if you have any additional questions. I will keep you informed of the schedule. The expected start of the collaborative study is September 3 rd , 2018. My goal is to have all of the collaborators complete their analysis by no later than September 21 st , 2018.

Thank you for your consideration and support for the development of reliable, sound, valid methods of analysis through AOAC INTERNATIONAL.


Katharina Scherf, Ph.D. Email: Telephone: +49 (0) 8161 71-2927

December 6, 2018

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