
AOAC OMB Teleconference Materials


MOTION:   For OMB to approve the minutes as presented.  Salfinger moved and Gilliland seconded.  Consensus: Unanimous.

e. Update on OMB Report to the Board of Directors.  Crowley shared the update on the OMB Report to the AOAC INTERNATIONAL Board of Directors.  Update on OMB Report to the Annual Business Meeting.  Crowley shared the update on the OMB Report to the AOAC Annual Business Meeting.  Update from Executive Office and AOAC INTERNATIONAL Board of Directors.  Sullivan and McKenzie provided an update on the AOAC INTERNATIONAL Board of Directors  meeting and Executive Office affairs.  McKenzie reviewed the Section VIII (Official Methods Board) of the Bylaws and the OMB Terms of  Reference.  Additionally, she provided an orientation for OMB of AOAC policies, procedures, and  processes for standards development and conformity assessment activities and OMB Awards.    b. McKenzie noted the following documents that will require revision by OMB:   a. Selection of New OMB Members policy document  b. Selection of Vice Chair  ACTION ITEMS:    a. Staff to add Orientation to a future OMB agenda to finish reviewing.  b. Staff to discuss internally the concerns raised by Editorial Board members regarding submission of  quality manuscripts to the journal resulting from stakeholder panels and ERP efforts and the ERP  members’ participation in Journal peer review process of method papers.    c. Staff will then be discuss the status and any proposals to address any new or unresolved issues with  OMB and Editorial Board.  f. g. OMB ORIENTATION  a. OMB discussed if the second Thursday of the month worked for OMB teleconferences.   OMB agreed to try it for October 13, 2016 at 1:00pm – 2:30pm ET  ACTION ITEM : Schedule OMB teleconference for October 13, 2016 at 1:00pm ET   OMB discussed the timing of in person meetings and options to the current set up.  OMB  decided on the following:   Winter meeting   Spring/Summer (June) meeting that may be optional   Annual Meeting – half day (9am – 1pm)  OMB Working Group on Method Format  Coates provided an update and offered to reinitiate the working group; however, a volunteer  champion would be needed.  Members volunteered included: Roman, Brown (Paula), Gilliland, Betz, Boison, Mastovska, Crowley,  Brown (Amy), and Coates.  ACTION ITEMS:  Invite chair of Committee on Statistics to participate on working group.   Paula Brown agreed to chair the working group.  b. c. OFFICIAL METHODS BOARD & EDITORIAL BOARD    OFFICIAL METHODS BOARD MEETINGS  a. OMB Meeting Times  




OMB Working Group on Candidate Methods 

e. Crowley and McKenzie briefed the group on the topic and the work of the working group to date.   Both groups discussed some of the concerns which ranged from needing to clarify SMPRs, to length 


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