OMB Meeting Book_9-11-14

AOAC INTERNATIONAL Stakeholder Panel for Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals (SPIFAN)





Method Name/Manuscript Title 

Total Iodine in Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals by ICP MS 

Manuscript Reference  In your experience using the method, does the  method perform according to the method’s  applicability as written? 

Sample preparation is by 5% or 50% KOH extraction and analysis by  ICP‐MS for the range of 4 to 1500µg/100g. For 5%KOH extraction  method, 5g slurry made up to 50mL (Total D.F = 80times). After  extraction the solution so turbid, changed the color to brown and  there is no clear solution obtained after refrigerated centrifugation or  by filtering with 0.22µ filter. Further dilution of 10times more results  final D.F to 800times. Method shows poor recovery for infant  formula. 

In your experience with the method, is there  any safety concerns identified while using or  regarding use of the method?  Do you have any information that supports  regarding the reproducibility of the method as  written:  If so, please specify and submit  information?  ‐  Please attach any documentation to support  your feedback, if available.    Based on your experience with the method,  are there any recommended changes to the  AOAC First Action Method as written?  ‐ 

Extraction Method needs improvement. A different extraction proces  is recommended with the use of different reagents. 

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