OMB Meeting Book - Jan. 11, 2018

OMB Meeting Book


MOTION:   For OMB to approve the September 28, 2017 OMB meeting minutes as presented.  Sudberg moved and Phillips seconded.  Consensus: Unanimous. 



Coates and McKenzie reviewed each ERP roster proposal with the OMB.              ACTION ITEMS:  1.

Staff to send the proposals for new and revising ERPs by ballot to OMB for vote 1

2. Staff to include expertise perspective chart for future use and revise current charts in proposals as  specified.  i. Proposal for ERP for SPSFAM Proanthocyanidin (PAC) Methods ii. Proposal for ERP for SPSFAM Cannabis Potency Methods*  iii. Proposal for ERP for SPDS Free Amino Acid Methods*  iv. Proposal for ERP for SPDS Protein Methods*  v. Proposal for ERP for SPDS Ginger Methods*  vi. Proposal for ERP for SPDS Vitamin K Methods*  vii. Proposal for Revising ERP for SPDS Folin C Methods*  viii. Proposal for Revising ERP for SPDS Kratom Methods*  ERP Roster Revisions Made During Annual Meeting  McKenzie reviewed with OMB the ERP rosters that were revised during the AOAC Annual Meeting  by the OMB chair.  1. Revised ERP for SPSFAM Ethanol in Kombucha Methods  2. Revised ERP for Microbiology Methods  3. Revised ERP for Dietary Starch and Fiber Methods  OMB UPDATES a. McKenzie shared with the OMB that a new edition of the OMA is under consideration and that  there will need to be some discussion on potential updates and revisions.  b. c. Crowley discussed some probable dates for an OMB mid‐winter meeting in Rockville.  ACTION ITEM: Staff to send out ballot to OMB to confirm a meeting date. 2 ADJOURNMENT  a. Meeting adjourned on Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 2:01 pm ET with unanimous consensus on  the following motion.  MOTION:   To adjourn the meeting.  Phillips moved and Gilliland seconded.  Consensus: Unanimous – Meeting adjourned.  b. Phillips provided a brief verbal update on the OMB Working Group on Codex STAN 234. 



1  OMB Ballot results for the formation and/or revision of the ERPs based on the proposals  2 OMB Ballot results for the OMB Mid‐Winter Meeting in Rockville, Maryland


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