OMB Meeting Book - January 8, 2015

AOAC Statistics Committee Minutes 2014 12 16 methods, use of transformations, and performance requirements with focus on real examples. Paul may presentation may use gluten as an example, and discuss associated issues. This is also a sufficiently general theme to


include sampling, and how to implement in practice.  Incremental method, with illustrative examples.

 Sampling. There will be another section on this topic, usually run concurrently with the Statistics session. A very broad topic, including many areas of application. This is the topic Hilde suggested to Dr. Wegscheider, but could select another relevant topic, for example, sampling as specifically related to validation studies.

• Funding available: $1000 (not adequate to cover all travel and associated expenses). Robert may not attend in 2015, so could offer assistance to Dr. Wegscheider, or another European speaker.

Current projects No:

Reviewer No 1

Reviewer No 2

Brief Status




Clarity is needed. It was not clear if there were one or two reference methods. Clarity is needed. It was not clear if there were one or two reference methods. The use of log transformation and back transformation was not used correctly. The plots were not used correctly. The Grubbs test was interpreted incorrectly. They made the correct actions, but did not understand how to correctly interpret the Grubbs tool. The writers used term Higher repeatabiity vlaues they actually mean smaller numbers. The wording is not clear. Caryn suggested it would be useful to obtain more guidance from experienced reviewers. A couple of labs were dropped off. The lack of these labs may have had an effect on the statistics. The abstract was not clear. The data appeared to be in order. The authors tried to follow AOAC requiremnts. Sidney did not find problems with the data he reveiwed.










Manuscript IS 14-0250




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