OMB Meeting Book - January 8, 2015


Working Group Initiated Pathway

Background It is essential that the methods in the Official Methods of Analysis remain the best solution that addresses the real needs of the AOAC INTERNATIONAL analytical communities and stakeholders. The Board of Directors (BoD) has approved a new Working Group (WG) initiated process(12/9/2014). This process ensures that the methods in OMA are approved in conformance with voluntary consensus standards. It envisions that an individual or entity who expresses a need for a method should form a Working Group with the assistance of AOACINTERNATIONAL’s business development office and the assistance of the Chief Scientific Officer to develop those standards. A stakeholder panel (SP) that ratifies the SMPRs would be an existing SP either one under contract that agrees to extend their work product, or one of the panels funded by the Association such as ISPAM or SPSFAM. Authorities: Community – These are members of industry, academia and regulatory bodies that need standards or analytical methods to perform their professional duties. WG – The WG drafts the appropriate Standard Method Performance Requirements. SP- Final decisions on the acceptance of SMPRs remain with the appropriate Stakeholder Panel. ERP- All methods are reviewed and approved for First Action and recommended for approval for Final Action or repeal by an Expert Review Panel. OMB- Final decisions on acceptance of Final Action or Repeal for Official Methods of Analysisremains with the Official Methods Board (OMB). All decisions on Official Methods require a minimum2/3 vote of the OMB members. BoD - The Board of Directors reserves all decisions on Policy and Association responsibility to the Board of Directors. Flow of Work

WG creates SMPRs to reflect the needs of the analytical community.

Applicant identifies need for an analytical solution

Form Working Group

SMPRs are published. If needed, a call for methods issued, an ERP is formed, etc.

SP reviews. SMPRs approved?


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