OMB Monthly Meeting (April 14, 2016)

OMB Teleconference Materials

MOTION : To move AOAC 2013.14 to Final Action status.  Crowley motioned and Mastovska seconded.  Consensus: Passed. 


ERP for Veterinary Drug Residue Methods  ERP Chair and OMB liaison, Joe Boison presented AOAC 2012.25 using the revised checklist  template.  ERP member, Kate Mastovska was present and participated in the discussion  about the method.  MOTION : To move AOAC 2012.25 to Final Action.  Bhandari motioned and Crowley seconded.  Consensus: Passed.  Process for ERP Review of Methods for First Action and Final Action status  This topic was discussed as part of the First to Final Action discussion and developing the template.   No further information added.  ERP for Dietary Supplements – Ashwagandha, Folin C, and Kratom.    Roman provided OMB with revised membership with the substitutions that were made to  ensure quorum for the ERP meeting in December.  For Kratom, Joe Betz was added and for  Folin C, John Szpylka was added.  ERP for SPSFAM Heavy Metal Methods  OMB revised the roster to remove those members from whom there has been no  communication or participation.    Modifications to ERPs  i.




MOTION : To modify the ERP’s roster to include David Woollard.  Abbott motioned, and Bhandari seconded.  Consensus: passed  ACTION ITEMS:   Staff to update Jenny Nelson’s affiliation on the roster.  


ERP for SPIFAN Nutrient Methods  OMB approved the addition of David Woollard to the ERP specifically for the review of  vitamin B methods. 

MOTION : To modify the ERP’s roster to include David Woollard.  Bhandari motioned, and Gilliland seconded.  Consensus: passed  ACTION ITEMS:   Staff to send approval of Woollard to President Hill for appointment. 



AOAC Mid‐Year Meetings and OMB Liaisons  Roman led the discussion on volunteers to serve as OMB liaisons for the meetings during the Mid‐ Year meetings.  OMB liaisons were assigned 3  for each of the meetings.  ACTION ITEMS: Staff to reach out to Tom Phillips to see if he could serve as the OMB liaison for  SPADA.  Proposal for Vetting of Stakeholder Panel Vice Chair  Due to changing conditions and engagement, McKenzie presented a proposal to OMB to approve  Dr. Linda Beck of the Naval Surface Warfare Center as co‐chair of SPADA instead of presenting on a 


proposal for vetting a stakeholder panel vice chair.  MOTION : To approve Linda Beck as co‐chair of SPADA.  Crowley motioned, and Mastovska seconded.  Consensus: passed  ACTION ITEMS:    Staff to send approval of Beck as co‐chair to President Hill for appointment.  

3 2016 AOAC Mid ‐ Year Meeting Assignments For OMB Liaisons

April 2016


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